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篇名 文革時期創編箏曲之曲式與風格研究
卷期 17
並列篇名 The Analysis of Musical Forms and Characteristics of Zheng Compositions during the Cultural Revolution
作者 葉娟礽
頁次 51-74
關鍵字 箏樂創作文化大革命音樂形式與風格西化ZhengZheng compositionCultural RevolutionMusical forms and characteristicsOccidentalizing
出刊日期 201212


文革時期(1966-1976 年)箏樂創作領域受到國家社會倡導理念的影響,作曲家套用西方古典音樂曲式、或借用豎琴的演奏技法,編寫出多首不同於中國傳統曲體、演奏法的新作品。這些作品不僅在該時代形成一股風潮,並且深遠地影響後來的箏樂創作與音樂美學觀,這些作品的歷久與不墜,已然形成一段箏樂發展歷程的深刻軌跡,值得為文仔細探究。


In the period of the Cultural Revolution (1966-1976), the field of Zheng compositions was affected by the policies of the country and society. Composers used western classical music forms or performing techniques from the Western harp to create many Zheng works which were different from Chinese traditional musical forms and instrumentation. These works were not only popular in that period, but also deeply affected the following history of Zheng compositions and musical esthetics.
This essay is in three parts: First, “Principles of The Cultural Revolution” and “Title and Material of Zheng Compositions” explains these works through their historical background and consciousness. Second, “Analysis of Works” pursues the individual research of three pieces. Finally, a conclusion addressing the more common music organizations, techniques and characteristics of these woks, and, as an afterward, a discussion of the establishment of general musical style and the influence.
