
國立中正大學法學集刊 TSSCI

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篇名 兒童人權與婚姻暴力之交鋒——以日本法為主軸思考
卷期 37
並列篇名 Children’s Right and Marital Violence―A Study from Japanese Law
作者 宋峻杰
頁次 001-050
關鍵字 家庭暴力婚姻暴力個人尊嚴生命權兩性平等人 身自由兒童人權兒童虐待親權家庭自治兒童人權兒童虐待親權家庭自治Domestic ViolenceMarital ViolenceDignity of Individualsthe Right of LifeEquality of Sexesthe Right of LibertyChildren’s RightsChild AbuseParental AuthorityFamily AutonomyParental AuthorityLoss of CustodyTSSCI
出刊日期 201211


本文乃先行說明現今日本法學界對於「婚姻暴力」之思考模 式,而後槪略地整理介紹日本政府以婚姻暴力防治爲立法宗旨之 《關於防止來自配偶暴力侵害與保護相關受害人法》(以下稱, 《2001年DV防止法》。)的立法過程。並說明該法於立法過程中兒 童人權保障之相關議題如何被提起。嗣後,又如何在婚姻暴力防治 與保障兒童人權兩者之間,作出取捨而其原因何在等問題。之後, 乃敘述「兒童人權」與「婚姻暴力防治」作交會思考時,於家庭內 部發生兒童受暴力行爲侵犯之比例甚高的事實存在,再提出由於國 家公權力不易介入高度重視個人隱私保護之家庭內部空間等緣由, 強調兒童受憲法保障的個人尊嚴與生命權可能於該當空間裡因遭受 到來自其他家庭成員所施加之暴力與虐待行爲致使有被任意侵犯之 虞,而說明於本文內另外須整理之焦點所在。亦即,於家庭內部發 生之「兒童虐待」一題。並依序整理以日本政府爲主體所制定之防 治兒童虐待問題對策發展史、對「兒童虐待」一語標示出具體且明 確之定義的《2000年兒童虐待防止法》之立法過程、日本法學界中 對於「兒童虐待」此一主題所展開之主張見解,以及介紹較受學界 矚目與討論之與「兒童虐待」相關的案例內容等等。最後,亦整理 與說明日本國會分別於2004年及2007年修改《2000年兒童虐待防止 法》及《2001年DV防止法》的具體動向爲何?以及其他反映兒童虐 待對策之相關修法動向與尙稱不備之處何在等現況。


In the first part of this paper, will going to share how to discuss about Marital Violence under Japanese law. Then, will introduce the Congress of Japan how to established and passed the law called “Act on the Prevention of Spousal Violence and the Protection of Victims”. In the same time will try to pointed out why the Congress refuse to make any provisions about save or help child who under the attack by his/her parents or any adults. And because Marital Violence and Child Abuse are all occur very easily under the roof, what is also a very important reason why the two quasi-criminal acts usually be discussed under the verb called “Domestic Violence”, so from the fourth part of this paper are trying to focus on some issues of Child Abuse under Japanese Law.
For example, the historical background of Child Abuse occurred in Japan, the treatment of Child Abuse by the Government of Japan, the legislative process of “Act on Prevention, etc. of Child Abuse” and some cases of Child Abuse will be viewed. In the last part of this paper, will according to the Amendment of Civil Law of Japan in May 2011, to share dealing with the case of Child Abuse in Japan what kind of problem still need to be pay deeply attention.
