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篇名 Some Theta Function Identities and New Explicit Evaluations of Rogers-Ramanujan Continued Fraction
卷期 18:1
作者 Chandrashekar AdigaK. Shivashankara
頁次 101-117
關鍵字 Theta-functionsRogers-Ramanujan continued fraction
出刊日期 200205



In his first and lost notebook, Ramanujan recorded several values for the Rogers-Ramanujan continued fraction. Some of these results have been proved by K. G. Ramanathan, on using Kronecker’s Limit formula.
B. C. Berndt and H. H. Chang have derived most of these results on employing some of Ramanujan’s beautiful eta-function identities. On using some modular equations stated by Ramanujan, in this paper we establish some theta function identities and derive some new explicit evaluations of Rogers-Ramnujan continued fraction.
