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篇名 Web為基的河海考試網路線上測驗系統之研究
卷期 40
並列篇名 A Study on WWW-Based On-line Testing Systems
作者 楊子傑
頁次 043-060
關鍵字 線上測驗系統WebWWWASPon-line testing systems
出刊日期 201203


教學評量是個不可少的工具之一,用來計算及了解學生的學習狀態。學生於學 習了一定的知識範圍後,藉著評量可了解學生的學習程度,同時可立即進行補救教 學,學生於學習過程當中,得到良好的協助,對其所學知識可有更透徹的了解。隨 著網路技術的快速發展,頻寬的擴大,透過電腦網路實現遠端教學已經不是很困 難。利用電腦輔助教學(CAI),結合多媒體影音效果,可增加學生的學習慾望,效 果也比傳統的課堂教學學習效果要高。
遠端教學包括許多因素,其中最關鍵是線上考試系統,現電腦硬體技術的發展 非常成熟,網路化非常普及,可將傳統人工考試的工作改由線上考試,除了可減輕 老師的工作量,提高工作效率,並可以使考試更趨於公平、客觀。網路線上測驗系 統取代傳統之紙筆測驗,可提高試務工作之效率,減少工作之人力需求,節省試卷 之印製及紙張之使用,又可達到環保的要求。同時可公平及迅速地提供確實的學習 評估資訊。
輪機工程系同學畢業後,需參加航海人員考試,取得證照才有資格到船上見習 及服務。本研究是實現一個植基於全球資訊網的網路線上測驗系統,加強同學的考 試經驗及知識,答完試題核對答案之時,除了標準答案外,另有附上輔助教學以增 加同學的水平程度,使得同學通過考試比例提高。


Computer-based on-line testing systems are capable of improving shortcomings of traditional pencil-and-paper testing in the aspect of administration efficiency and accurate study assessment. This paper presents a design and implementation of an on-line testing system based on WWW. A novel architecture for on-line testing system is proposed, and an experimental system was implemented using Active Server Pages. This system adopts the common client-server architecture with two major parts, the client component and the application-oriented WWW server. The client component provides a user interface shown on a WWW browser for answering. The application-oriented server component includes an administration subsystem for operating the system, and a user subsystem for logging the system, and a testing subsystem for proceeding the test which includes question assemblage, question delivery, answer sheet collection, grading, and result analysis. Furthermore, the order of questions and chose answer is randomly changed during the question assemblage to avoid cheating. The on-line testing for “First class Engineering technician certificate” was employed to evaluate the feasibility of the experimental system where 50 examinees attend the testing,and the testing sheet comprises 40 single-choice questions. Experimental results show that the question sheets can be delivered within 7 seconds at the beginning of the testing. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed architecture is feasible to support WWW-based on-line testing with justness and efficiency.
