
Tamsui Oxford Journal of Mathematical Sciences

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篇名 Efficient Non-trivial Repeating Pattern Discovering in Music Databases
卷期 17:2
作者 Lo, Yu-lungYu, Ho-chengFan, Mei-chin
頁次 163-187
關鍵字 Music databaserepeating patternnon-trivial repeating patterncontent-based retrieval
出刊日期 200111



A repeating pattern is a sequence of notes appearing more than once in a music object. Most of the repeating patterns are key melodies or easy to familiarize and remember for people. Therefore, we can use the themes or the repeating patterns to construct indices that can speedup music retrieval. A non-trivial repeating pattern is commonly used in analyzing the repeated part of music data and looking for themes. Non-trivial repeating patterns exclude those patterns, which are all contained in other longer patterns, such that they can reduce the redundancy of the repeating patterns and speedup music search. In this paper, we proposed an approach called Adaptive Correlative Matrix, which can find all non-trivial repeating patterns in music objects fleetly and efficiently.
