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篇名 研發機艙整合型熱交換器提高漁船管理效能及作業安全之研究
卷期 38
作者 吳鴻文楊佳穎吳展易古慧雯邱冠銘曾士彥
頁次 001-020
關鍵字 機艙整合型熱交換器高管理效能作業安全machinery spaceintegrated typeheat exchangerhigh managerial performanceoperation safety
出刊日期 201005


為了遠洋漁船不斷增加漁撈設備,需要增大發電機功率或冷凍設備冷凍能 力,導致熱交換器及屬具的數量與管路增加,建造成本也相對增加。因熱交換器 及屬具的數量增加而減少機艙的空間,使機艙變得更為複雜及管理不易,易生故 障,而導致人力、物力與時間的浪費。
本研究係針對調查加大馬力、增加發電機台數、漁撈設備或冷凍設備後,所 增艙内熱交換器及屬具與管路的種類與數量。將遠洋鋼質漁船機搶裡主機與副機 之熱交換設備,進行熱平衡計算,繪成熱平衡分佈圖。並於實驗過程中,在主機 與副機不同運轉條件,進行一柴油機一熱交換器(傳統熱交換器)及屬具與單一 整合型熱交換器及屬具設備的實驗模擬與性能測試,實辦到月整合型熱交換器之熱傳 效果優相蜀立式熱交換器,並至整合型熱交換器tb獨立式熱交換器更能節省資金及空間上的配 置,評估其空間及成本降低量約10%。


In order to add fishing gear, increasing power of generators of refrigeration capacity of refrigeration equipment leads to the more numbers of heat exchangers with accessories and piping. Because numbers of heat exchangers with accessories results in machinery space, it gets more complicated and difficult management. Consequently, man power, material resources and time are wasted.
Increasing heat exchangers with accessories and types and numbers of piping due to high power,adding generator number, fishing gear or refrigerator equipments will be investigated. The calculations and charts of thermal equilibrium are performed in heat transfer equipment of main engines and auxiliaries for deep-sea steel fishing boats. The experimental equipment on heat exchange and piping of main engines and auxiliary engine will be set up, and experimental simulation and performance test will be conducted for heat transfer equipment with one diesel engine to one heat exchanger and that with an integrated heat exchanger, respectively. The results of experiments show that the effect of heat transfer of the integrated heat exchanger is better than that of the conventional heat exchanger. The cost and space arrangement of a single integrated heat exchanger is more economical than conventional heat exchangers, and the space and the cost are estimated to decrease 10% from conventional heat exchangers with accessories and piping.
