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篇名 評析船舶柴油機換用燃油時可能發生的風險
卷期 38
並列篇名 An analysis of possible risks of marine diesel engine fuel switching
作者 哈子銘田文國
頁次 069-083
關鍵字 劣質重油混合油輕柴油Inferior heavy oilHybrid fuelMarine Diesel oil
出刊日期 201005


為符合廢氣排放的限制而互換使用燃油,自劣質重油換用船用輕柴油的階 段,此做法在未來將越趨普遍,過程中減速時會引起柴油機的停機,致船舶失去 動力甚至再起動困難,而發生意外事故。
本文針對劣質重油燃燒時的特性,後遺症及在操作上將會遭遇到什麼問題出 現,探討其原因,並分析混合燃油其特性是否具有負面影響。
摘自FIA-100(Fuel Ignition Analyser-100)燃油燃燒分析器上測量得出的結論


In compliance to the regulation of emission control,the practice of fuel switching from the inferior heavy oil to Marine diesel oil (MDO) will become more prevalent in the near future. However, the risk of Main engine power may loss while switching fuel upon speed reduction which might cause the difficulty of restarting the engine due to propulsion loss, ultimately raised the risk of accident occurrence.
This study is designed to research the combustion characteristics & side effects of the inferior heavy oil,what are the issues & problems may occur during operation and what would be the root cause, and whether hybrid oil would affect or reduce engine's performance.
Furthermore, based on the combustion analysis conclusion of FIA-100 (Fuel Ignition Analyser-100), how to ensure fuel switch's safety further to reinforce the risk awareness & prevention of vessel's engine power & propulsion loss.
