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篇名 船運海洋深層水技術實例探討
卷期 36
並列篇名 A Feasibility Study on the Design, Manufacture and Deployment of a deep coean Pipe for the East Coast of Taiwan
作者 溫正毅蘇達貞周承志李惠蘭林宗德鄭啟佑
頁次 105-118
出刊日期 200808


近年來海洋深層水事業迅速發展,國内取得水源方式多以近岸端埋 管取水法汲取海洋200公尺以下的深冷海水(又稱海洋深層水),經處理後 做為一般飲用水或研發用途。汲取作業大都採用國外(日本居多)汲水設備 和技術除價格昂貴外,在維修保養上也是一大難題,目前並無實際檢驗 維修的技術規範,加上台灣多颱風及東部地震頻繁,若有發生汲水管破 裂情形,必須重新檢修或搭設。本研究是探討利用船運方式汲取海洋深 層水,其特色在於設計原理和設計本體由國人自行研發,因船運的關係, 可以汲取所需不同的經緯度,採樣過程由船隻衛星定位與鋼索佈放定 深,可取任意深度之深冷海水,符合不同深度做為不同用途需求,在飲 用水、檢驗上是很靠的取水技術,又可降低在天災因素下所造成的破壞 及保養問題。未來的汲水深度計畫到達800公尺,由鋼索錨錠系統做為 深度定位指標,佈放及回收動作也將建立標準化流程,在環境生態及品 質控管上較優質化。


In the recent year, the deep ocean water application, or the “DOWA”, becomes a booming industry in Taiwan. Most of the conventional methods to obtain deep ocean water is by laying a pipe from the shore area down to the ocean bottom about 200 meters or deeper. The technology as well as the equipment to deploy the pipe is mostly depending by foreign countries (especially depending on Japan). The engineering cost is very high, and by the operation experience in these recent years,there were difficulties to do maintenance and /or inspections after the deployment of the pipes. This is mainly caused by the heavy typhoons that frequently hit the coastal area of Taiwan that inevitably damaged the pipes.
In this research, a method to obtain deep ocean water by using a ship to deploy a perpendicular pipe from the ocean surface directly down to the ocean bottom is developed. The research team developed a technology that can pump deep ocean water at any specifically designed location and pump up deep ocean water at any desired ocean depth.

