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篇名 台灣造船及船舶機械產業文化資產保存與再利用
卷期 35
作者 陳政宏
頁次 012-019
關鍵字 產業文化資產造船產業船舶機械產業industry culture heritagenaval architecture industrymarine engineering industry
出刊日期 200708


本文以中船公司產業文化資產清查計晝的經驗說明產業文化資產保存與利用之觀 念,以及造船與船舶機械產業文化的特殊性與價值在於:台灣機械類工業發展中的獨 特唯一性,以及其與其他重工業及國防工業的高度關聯性,使其產品、製程與發展過 程均為工業與社會演變中的獨特與重要的指標。最後並提出關於台灣造船及船舶機械 產業文化資產保存與在利用的建議。,其中最急迫的是相關史料的保存與科技史的研 究,其次是產業文化資產的再利用,因為其不僅具有文化與歷史意義,也可以作為該 產業推廣業務、增進公共關係、宣揚產業價值、促進溝通的重要方法。


Based on the experience of China Shipbuilding Co. Industry Culture Heritage Survey Project, this article describes the basic concepts and definition related to industry culture heritage preservation and re-utilization. The naval architecture and marine engineering industry cultures are significant in Taiwan’s mechanical industry development due to their close relations with multiple industries and national defense industry. Suggestions to both industries are proposed •• the most urgent is to keep important historical materials and documents, and the history research on these two industries. The re-utilizations of their culture heritage can also help them to improve their public relation, communication with general public, and to promote the value of the industry. '
