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篇名 由船級規範探討船舶推進軸系之演化
卷期 32
作者 馬豐源
頁次 001-020
關鍵字 Marine Propulsion ShaftingClassification Society船舶推進軸系船級規範
出刊日期 200403


隨著經濟迅速發展,材料科學與製造技術的精進,船舶朝向大型 化、高速化及自動化推展,船舶推進軸系亦隨其需要而有所變更。由 於各種理論及實務經驗的完備,船級學會亦就其規範加以檢討與改 進。本文將針對歷年來船級學會對於軸徑計算之規定,加以整理並以 實例計算,來探討船舶推進軸系演化的問題。


According to a currently developing tendency towards ship design, ship will become bigger and speedier owing to the advancement of materials and manufacture technical. As a result,the working conditions of the propulsion shafting system are as different from what they used to be. The calculating specification of the propulsion shafting system contained in the Rules of the Classification Society is to be modified due to the completion of actuality practice. In this article, the evolution of the propulsion shafting system is based on the history of the Rules of the Classification Societies.
