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篇名 中國REACH成形,台灣準備好了嗎?一從中國新化學物質環境管理辦法 看我國新化學物質管理
卷期 24:2
並列篇名 Chinese REACH has put into shape, how about Taiwan REACH? -A Perspective of Chinese Measures on Environmental Management of New Chemical Substances
作者 詹世榕
頁次 046-059
關鍵字 新化學物質既有化學物質中國新化學物質環境管理辦法歐盟化學物質登錄評估 授權及管制規則毒性化學物質管理法既有化學物質提報作業要點new chemical substanceexisting chemical substanceREGULATION Measures on Environmental Management of New Chemical Substances Toxic Chemical Substances Control Act
出刊日期 201202


我國今年爆發食品內加入有毒塑化劑事件,不僅重創消費市場對我國食品產業的信心,也 對於國人的化學物質使用安全意識敲了一記警鐘。面對化學物質快速推陳出新及廣泛運用,近 年來國際間規範趨勢改以性質較爲中性之「新化學物質」作爲其規範對象進行管理,其中又以 歐盟化學物質登錄、評估、授權及管制規則(REACH)屬最爲人所熟知者。屬我國重要經貿伙伴 之中國,亦參考歐盟化學物質登錄、評估、授權及管制規則(REACH)修訂其「新化學物質環境E3科技法律透析2012年2月
中國REACH成形,台灣準備好了嗎? 一從中國新化學物質環境管理辦法看我國新化學物質管理
管理辦法」並於2010年10月正式上路施行。此一辦法之施行,在近年來兩岸經貿活動頻繁而 可能影響我國相關業者之前提下,本文將就此一辦法之重點內容及特色進行觀察歸納;另外一 方面,面對此一國際管理趨勢,本文也將對於我國既有化學物質相關管理法規及其最新修法動 態進行檢視分析,希冀藉此作爲我國規範與國際接軌之參考。


Taiwan food industry has been struck by the government agency’s disclosure that certain unfaithful manufacturers have mixed toxic chemicals into the food additives for the past 30 years,and the chemicals may seriously threaten public health. This event has not only shocked the confidence of the customers to the industry, but also drew public attention on the well-management and the safe use of chemicals.
In order to manage the fast advancing and widely applicable chemical substance appropriately, the laws and regulations among the international jurisprudences in recent years tend to regulate unfamiliar chemicals as"new chemical substances" and leverage registration systems to follow their use and import. REACH is one the most successful models which has been implemented by European Union since 2006. China, one of our most important business partners, has also learned from the EU experience and implemted its amended" Measures on Environmental Management of New Chemical Substances" (also known as "Chinese REACH") last year. It is not only a necessity for our industry which has invested or is runing a business in China to realize how this new regulation may influence their bisness as differently,but also for our authority concerned to observe how can our domestic law and regulation may connect to this international trend. Therefore,except for briefing the content of Chinese REACH, this article may also review those existing law and regulations in Taiwan and observe the law making movement taken by our authority.We expect that the comparison and observation in this article may be a reference for Our authorities concerned to map out a better environment for new chemical management.
