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篇名 雞腿菇擔孢子交配型之疑義探討
卷期 27:2
並列篇名 Study on the mating types of Basidiospores in Coprinus comatus
作者 林宛宜吳美麗
頁次 121-126
關鍵字 交配型雞腿菇Coprinus comatusmating types
出刊日期 201212


因德國學者與大陸學者對雞腿菇交配型的研究,有兩種不同的說法,一為二極性系統 (bipolar matingsystem),另為四極性系統 (tetrapolar mating system),為驗證雞腿菇之交配型態,故本研究取一株臺灣新社雞腿菇菌株 (Coprinus comatus) 為材料,利用牛糞培養基採得孢子,經由概率計算後,選擇各 21株擔孢子,使用三輪雜交系統 (three-cycle mating system) 研究其擔孢子之交配型,研究結果顯示雞腿菇可能為四極性異宗結合。實驗中亦發現交配型因子偏離理論值 1:1:1:1,顯示雞腿菇擔孢子不同的交配型因子對孢子萌發和菌絲生長具有不同的調控作用,其詳細機制有待進一步的研究。


In order to resolve the two contradictory different mating system from the literature, four mating types ofbasidispores were determined by using three-cycle mating system. One strain of Coprinus comatus fromSinshe’s mushroom farm in Taiwan was used as test material. Each 21 strains were selected in cow-dungagar by probability equations. The results of mating tests showed that C. comatus has a tetrapolar heterothallismmating system. The test indicated that the distribution of the four mating types among spore monokaryonswas not in accordance with the 1:1:1:1 law. The situation of C. comatus different mating type factorshave different regulation of spore germination and mycelium growth. The mechanism can be explored.
