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篇名 A Study of Connection between Design Concepts and Sketch Operation for Architectural Design Novices
卷期 13
並列篇名 建築設計初學者之設計概念與草圖操作關係探討
作者 劉懿瑾陳冠勳
頁次 71-82
關鍵字 建築設計設計概念草圖Architectural designDesign conceptSketch
出刊日期 201011




Most architects use concrete forms to help them to develop ideas. Such process is commonly found in conceptual sketching and abstract graphics. The sketches developed by the designers not only record the designers’ concepts but also to help the formation of concepts. This study investigates how the novice students of architectural design (first-year students) come up with something new from the process of sketching and then design and construct the models of sketches. In addition, the research tries to explore and analyze the relationship between design concept and sketching of architectural design novices by analyzing the time consumed, amounts of sketches, modeling time, and the results of their sketches. At the same time, teachers also provide their teaching observation in order to understand the correlation between students’ architectural design concepts and their sketches.
