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篇名 臺灣棒球文化觀光背景與應用之研究
卷期 13
並列篇名 Applied and Background Study of Taiwan Baseball Culture Tourism
作者 王忠茂林千源
頁次 83-100
關鍵字 棒球運動運動文化文化觀光BaseballSport cultureTourism
出刊日期 201011


台灣棒球在1906 年日據時代,就有第一支有史可考的棒球隊,因此百餘年 (1906~2010) 的台灣棒球發展史,自然成為棒球文化觀光的穩固基礎;而棒球運動作為文化的體系或結構的一環,可依價值(健身強體、運動精神、國族光榮)、制度(世界、地區棒球錦標賽)、器物(場館、器材)等三個層面加以詮釋。依此本文依文獻分析結果認為:棒球文化觀光的應用上,研究建議:(一)興建地標性棒球場館;(二)籌建棒球博物館;(三)棒球運動的異業結盟;(四)爭辦國際棒球運動賽會等可行方案。全力開創台灣棒球文化觀光的產業模式,並期許因賭博案所陷入的棒球運動危機,能夠再次的發揮浴火重生的逆轉勝。


It has been theoretical recorded that Taiwan initiated its first baseball team in 1906. Therefore, the over hundred year’s develop process has established a stead foundation for baseball tourism in Taiwan. As the part of culture system, baseball can be explained in terms of value (health, sportsmanship, and patriotism), system (world, local baseball championship), and implements (facility, equipment) aspects. Based on such culture structure, and to benefit the baseball culture tourism, the study proposes the following suggestions: 1. Built a target baseball park, 2. Establish the baseball museum, 3. Form a baseball league alliance and 4. Host international baseball tournament. Hopefully, the embarrassing situation regarding the gambling scandal can be banished by the development of baseball culture tourism industry.
