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篇名 蘇軾黃州山水詩的心靈世界--歸隱情結的萌生與超曠胸懷的成型
卷期 12
並列篇名 The Spiritual World in Su Shi's Huangzhou Landscape Poems--The Evolving of Seclusion Intention & the Shaping of Broad-mindedness
作者 黃彩勤
頁次 35-56
關鍵字 蘇軾山水詩黃州歸隱超曠Su SuiPoems for landscape paintingsHuangzhouSeclusionBroad-mindedness
出刊日期 201005




“Poems for Landscape Paintings”, as implied in the name, is one type of poems that focuses on exploring scenic beauty of landscape as its creation objective. The content lies mainly in depicting landscape scenery. Nevertheless, in the process of appreciating landscape beauty, it is impossible for the poet to be absolutely calm without personal feelings. Therefore, sentiments will be automatically blended in so as to unleash realization to life experiences. Su Shi was relegated to Huangzhou because of “Wutai Poem Case”. For one thing, Huangzhou didn’t have famous mountains and renowned rivers. For another, poets at that time were still in shock with the fact that their poems could easily bring upon disasters, whereas life order and life attitude needed urgent restoration. Thus, the “Poems for Landscape Paintings”, created in Huangzhou period, were clearly identified with poem titles relevant to the appreciation of the landscapes, but the actual depicting of the landscapes were relatively diminished. The ordinary landscapes were concealed by Su Sui in his pondering and deep emotions caused in the appreciation process. It was his intention, through the landscape, to put things in order regarding the deeply complex life issues. Right after he reflected upon himself and review soberly towards life through Huangzhou’s landscape, “The Evolving of Seclusion Intention & The Shaping of Broad-mindedness” became Su Sui’s most important enlightenment in his spiritual world.
