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篇名 赴澳打工旅遊之語言應用經驗與效益
卷期 15
並列篇名 The Experiences and Effectiveness of Language Use of Taiwanese Working Holiday Makers in Australia
作者 蔡智欣鄭景媚楊佳靜黃晏瑜
頁次 155-182
關鍵字 打工旅遊打工旅遊參與者澳洲英語語言應用working holidayworking holiday makerAustraliaEnglishlanguage use
出刊日期 201207




This pioneer study aimed to explore Taiwanese working holiday makers’(WHMs’) experience of using English and its effectiveness during their stay in Australia. Semi-structured interviews were adopted with six Taiwanese youths regarding how they applied English at work and travel, how they coped with language shock, and how they perceived the effectiveness of using English in Australia. The major results are: (a) The WHMs tended to put effort in strengthening their English before the actual working holiday process began, and listening and speaking were the focused skills, (b) Language shock was a common experience among all the WHMs, but only short-term barriers were identified; (c) English proficiency was not a requirement for WHMs, but it inevitably affected the type of work attainable; (d) Working holiday experiences helped improve the WHMs’ English proficiency, but the effectiveness was not easy to maintain after they returned to Taiwan; (e) Working holiday experiences changed the WHMs’ concepts of using English and increased their motivation to continue learning English. Suggestions are given to raise future WHMs’ awareness of language requirement and use in Australia.
