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篇名 傳播學門之教師與碩士研究主題之網絡分析初探
卷期 11:1
並列篇名 A Network Analysis of the Teachers and Graduate Students’ Research Topics in the Field of Mass Communication
作者 余詠南阮明淑
頁次 131-165
關鍵字 社會網絡網絡分析碩士論文傳播學門Social NetworkNetwork AnalysisMaster ThesisMass CommunicationTSSCI
出刊日期 201306
DOI 10.6182/jlis.2013.11(1).131


碩士論文的完成是碩士生確立研究主題後,進行資訊蒐集、分析、詮釋及撰寫,並經由與 指導教授與口試委員的指導、建議、討論及辯論後所完成的一本著作。本研究蒐集90-95學年 度世新大學新聞傳播學院547篇碩士論文,採取内容分析與網絡分析法探討相關教師間及其所 屬系所與研究主題關鍵字之網絡關係。研究結果顯示傳播學門整體最基礎核心研究主題為「生 活型態」,其學術網絡呈現鬆散式網絡架構。指導教授與口試委員各有其對應之學術關係,且 指導教授擔任職位型態會影響網絡内位居之角色,如各系所網絡中心性指標較高之5位指導教 授,皆曾擔任學校行政角色。「傳播管理研究所」與「傳播研究所」之群體中介性較高,顯示 此二系所位居整體網絡之中心位置,兩間系所最接近新聞傳播學院之網絡中心位置,且最具溝 通不同網絡之「橋」聯絡角色。透過碩士論文網絡分析研究,找出各系所碩士生之研究特色, 期能瞭解傳播學門之相關教師間及系所間之隱性學術網絡及學術傳播網絡。


The completion of a master’s thesis requires the advisor’s guidance on topic selection, data collection, analysis, interpretation and writing. The advisory committee’s input also contributes to the work. This study conducted content analysis and network analysis on a sample of 547 master’s theses from eight departments of the College of Journalism and Communications of Shih Hsin University to examine the relationships between the advisors and committee members as well as the connections of research topics. The results showed that the topic “lifestyle” have attracted cross-department research interests in the college. The academic network of the college is rather loose, and serving university administration duties may have broadened a faculty member’s centrality in the network. The Department of Communications Management and the Graduate Institute of Communications served as the bridges for the inter-departmental communication in the network. One can understand the interrelations among professors and departments through study on network analysis of thesis as to identify the characteristics of each department, as well as to reveal invisible relations of academic network and scholarly communication.
