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篇名 空間介入性別性別協商的配對競賽理論芻議
卷期 69
並列篇名 Spatial Turns in Feminist Theory and Gender Practice Outline of a Match Theory for Gender Negotiation
作者 吳鄭重
頁次 047-081
關鍵字 女性主義配對競顏論性別親同性別協商側體交換Feminismmatch theorygender affinitygender negotiationlateral switchScopusTSSCI
出刊日期 201307
DOI 10.6161/jgs.2013.69.03


當前女14主義與婦女運動的最大難題之一,在於以身分認同作爲14別本體論 的理論瓶頸,以及用地位平等的類同主張作爲追求14別IE義的行動困境,而其後 果之一就是「置身事外」還「理直氣壯」的男性缺位<*因此,本文試画以空間介 入•性別的「摩比斯轉折」,將•性別關係的理論平台和實踐場域聚焦在日常生活中 最切身的身體空間上;並以•性別親同的理論遊戲和側體交換的運動實踐,建構出 1生別協簡的配對競賽理論繼要。首先,藉由女•性主義文獻的批判回顧一一諷刺褻 瀆,本文試画將性別理論的本體論基礎由現代社會講求地位平等的性別類同、性 別身分的主體認同和後現代社會強調異身、異聲的•性別差異混同,向前推進到^不 可能分裂」的「身體鑛嵌/情境體現」狀態一一14別親同»其次,藉由陰陽同體 的意識流想像、變裝模倣的删操演、側體動作的身體技術、社會分工與文明形 構的槪念整合——辯證轉繹,本文嘗試將婦女運動的知識論對象定義爲從側體分 工連結到•性別分工與社會分工的協簡動態。第三,藉由「像女孩那樣丟球/像男 孩那樣翻滾」的行動硏究探索一一結合理論遊戲和運動實踐的批判實踐’本文嘗 試建立以側體交換作爲協簡性別的方法論取徑»最後,經由側體交換、性別協簡 和•性別親同三位一體由內而外、由外而內和全面周延的反覆推演和制度連結,逐 步奠定14別協簡之的配對競賽理論*要雛型。


One of the problems in current feminist theories and women’s movements is the tendency to focus on the ontological and epistemological questions of gender “identity” and “equality” but relegate the male to the awkward position of being “absent yet straight.” This article tries to return the foci of analysis to our bodies by outlining a “match theory” of gender negotiation using the “spatial turns” of the “Mobius twist” characterized by, first, the “outside-in” approach of ironic blasphemy which critically reviews the feminist theories to understand the gender ontology of the “Fission Impossible of Situated Affinity;” second, the “inside-out” approach of a dialectic transduction which combines various gender imaginations to highlight the epistemological motif as gender negotiation; and third, the “in-the-round” approach of critical realization which tries to use lateral switch as the methodological means to link the ontological depth of gender affinity to the epistemological reality of gender negotiation through the drills of “throwing like a girl/jumping like a boy.” Through these approaches, the match theory of gender negotiation lays a solid foundation for better negotiations between genders, classes, races, and places in the wider socio-economic contexts.
