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篇名 臺灣外島與本島地區國小教師休閒活動、休閒調適與身心健康之探索性研究:以臺南與金門為例
卷期 8:1
並列篇名 The Exploratory Study on Leisure Activities, Leisure Coping, and Physical & Psychological Health of Elementary School Teachers between Taiwan Island and Taiwan's Outlying Island: The Case of Tainan and Kinmen
作者 宋永坤王淑涓
頁次 077-099
關鍵字 休閒活動休閒調適身心健康國小教師Leisure ActivitiesLeisure CopingPhysical and Psychological HealthElementary School Teachers
出刊日期 201306




The purposes of this study were to find the differences among leisure activities, leisure coping, and physical & psychological health between elementary school teachers in Taiwan island and in Taiwan’s outlying island as well as to clarify the moderating influences of leisure coping. Subjects were purposely selected from 340 elementary school teachers in both Tainan and Kinmen. The main results showed that Tainan teachers had higher scores than Kinmen teachers in leisure activities, leisure coping, and physical & psychological health. Furthermore, the moderating effects of leisure coping between leisure activities and health were tested. The results suggested that element school teachers should participate both individual and group leisure activities and have the concepts of leisure coping in order to promoting their physical & psychological health.
