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篇名 全球化效果的侷限:臺灣民眾對接納跨國移民的態度
卷期 52
並列篇名 Limitations of the Impacts of Globalization: Taiwanese Attitudes Toward Growing Numbers of Economic and Marital Migrants
作者 張翰璧張晉芬
頁次 131-167
關鍵字 婚姻移民移工全球化社會接觸族群印象Marital MigrationMigrant WorkersGlobalizationSocial ContactsEthnic PrejudiceMEDLINETSSCI
出刊日期 201306


國人因旅遊、商務、求學等出國的情形日趨普遍;而經濟發展狀態 的落差使得臺灣成爲中國籍和東南亞籍移民及移工的重要移入國;本地 人和移民的互動關係也愈趨頻繁。跨國人口移動及與不同文化的接觸既 是全球化的特性,似乎也預設了文化的趨同性。分析臺灣人對於國際遷 徙的態度可反映諸多社會意涵,包括對於國境開放的想像、全球化經驗 的效果、族群印象的作用、及人口社會特徵影響的穩定性等。使用2008 年「臺灣社會變遷基本調查」的資料,本文探討民衆對於增加移工和不 同國籍婚姻移民來台人數的看法。作者發現,臺灣人對於不同類型或國 籍移民的進入人數的變動呈現出差異性的開放態度。等級邏輯迴歸與彷 彿無相關邏輯迴歸分析的結果顯示,全球化定義下的社會接觸經驗對於 移民政策態度的效果並不顯著,或出現負面影響。而不論是個人人口特 徵、社經成就、或既有的族群印象的影響力,幾乎都沒有因爲加入個人 與多元文化的接觸經驗而改變。就民衆對於移民政策的態度而言,本文 顯示全球化效果的侷限性,在地的社會與政治發展脈絡仍扮演關鍵性的 角色。


Increasing migration across borders is one result of ongoing globalization trends and affordable transportation costs. At the same time that many Taiwanese continue to go abroad for business, education, and travel, residents from other Asian countries are viewing Taiwan as an immigration destination. We used data from the 2008 Taiwan Social Change Survey to analyze attitudes toward increases in the numbers of economic and marital migrants into Taiwan, and found that Taiwanese opposition to migrants is dependent on their nationality and reason for migration. Results from seemingly unrelated regression analyses identified demographic characteristics, achieved social and economic status, and ethnic prejudice as important determinants of acceptance or rejection. We also found that the impacts of globalization (e.g., international travel, getting to know foreigners, foreign spouses) exerted non-significant or negative effects on attitudes regarding immigration. Our conclusion is that the impacts of globalization are limited, and must be examined according to local social and political contexts.
