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篇名 「矛」與「盾」的衝突:論日治時期初等學校臺籍教師的「隱性抗議」之意涵及其在臺灣教育史上的啟示
卷期 64:2
並列篇名 Elementary School Taiwanese Teachers'Contradictory Identification on the Internal Self and External Position During the Japanese Colonial Period: The Meaning of Hidden Protest and Influence in Taiwanese Educational History
作者 張淑媚蔡元隆黃雅芳
頁次 061-077
關鍵字 日治時期臺灣教育隱性抗議教學能力轉化型知識份子Taiwanese education during Japanese colonial periodHidden protestTeaching abilityTransformative intellectuals
出刊日期 201306


本文旨在探討日治時期初等學校臺籍教師在「矛盾」的殖民處境中,如何透過努力教 學以達「隱性抗議」及其在臺灣教育史上的啟示。本研究採用文獻分析方式,針對蔡元隆 (2008)、蔡元隆、侯相如(2008a,2008b,2009)、蔡元隆(2010)、蔡元隆、朱啟華 (2010)及蔡元隆、張淑媚、黃雅芳(2012a)在著作中提及日治時期初等學校少數臺籍教 師「隱性抗議」之概念,進行介紹與探討,並輔以口述歷史的方式針對三位在日治時期服務 的臺籍教師取得珍貴的口述訪談,用以佐證「隱性抗議」的存在性,接著深入闡述「隱性抗 議」在臺灣教育史上的意義。綜合歸納與分析後發現:日治時期初等學校的少數臺籍教師受 到知識的啟蒙後,察覺到自身的被殖民處境,但由於身份矛盾,所以僅能透過努力教學以達 「隱性抗議」來抗拒日本的殖民統治。再者,日治時期初等學校的少數臺籍教師透過課堂教 學、課後補習教學的途徑進行「隱性抗議」,讓臺灣囝仔能在社會流動中躍升至中、上階 級,所以課堂教學、課後補習已不僅是教師單純展現個人能力的方式,更帶有反思後殖民地 的情結存在。最後,在臺灣教育史上的日治殖民抗爭史中,初等學校的少數臺籍教師並非無 聲或缺席,他們只是透過高層次的「隱性抗議」進行抗拒,進而展現出轉化型知識份子的能動性及批判性。


This paper intends to explore how Taiwanese elementary school teachers delivered their educational thoughts to children during Japanese colonial period. This kind of action was seen as a “hidden protest” to show their rebellion against Japanese colonization. Taiwanese teachers’ actions of hidden protest in teaching activities are analyzed through documentary data. There are two sections in this paper; first, the concept of “hidden protest” will be explained. The work o擦 元隆(2008)、蔡元隆、侯相如(2008a,2008b,2009)、蔡元隆(2010)、蔡元隆、朱啟 華(2010) and 蔡元隆、張淑媚、黃雅芳(2012a) will be introduced and analyzed to explore the meaning of hidden protest. Moreover, three interviews of three Taiwanese teachers who taught during Japanese colonial period will be displayed as evidence of the existence of hidden protest. Second, the influence of hidden protest on Taiwanese educational history will be demonstrated.
Depending on the research, three results are displayed. First, a few Taiwanese teachers were inspired by knowledge and realized that they were oppressed by Japan. However, due to their teaching position, they could only impose their educational thoughts, against of Japanese colonial period, on students. Second, a few Taiwanese teachers enhanced Taiwanese students’ academic learning after regular school program in order to help them to gain a better social status in the following future. This kind of behavior displayed not only teachers’ ability to teach, but also exhibited their patriotic thought and feelings. Finally, some people might criticize that elementary school Taiwanese teachers did not have enough movement against toward Japan. Actually, some of them used a hidden method to bring up the issue of against of Japanese colonization by teaching students the patriotic thought in school lessons. They demonstrated as highly motivated and critical educated persons as the transformative intellectuals.
