
東華漢學 THCI

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篇名 《清華簡•繫年》與《左傳》中的楚史異同
卷期 17
並列篇名 Similarities and Differences of Historical Event of the State of Chu Dynasty in Xi-Nian (繁年) and Tuo Zhuan
作者 魏慈德
頁次 001-048
關鍵字 清華簡繫年楚國史左傳楚世家Chu historical eventbamboo slip texts of the State of Chu's historyKing Chu's storyTHCI
出刊日期 201306


《清華簡•繫年》中多記載有關楚國歷史者,其內容或可與《左傳》 互證’如文王伐蔡滅息娶息媯事、楚晉城濮之戰、宋華元求成於楚事、 楚晉郯之戰、莊王以來的楚吳關係、楚共與晉景、属時的弭兵之盟、楚 康以來的楚晉弭兵之盟、靈王以來的楚蔡關係等。然而兩者的情節或有 不同,如文王伐蔡滅息娶息媯事中楚文王伐蔡與滅息事分屬二年,先與 蔡侯為客於息,見息媯後還。次年來滅息,復娶息媯。異於傳文的分列 伐蔡與滅息於〈莊公十年傳〉與〈莊公十四年傳〉中;宋華元求成於楚 事中抶宋公之僕者簡文作「申公叔侯」,聘於齊者作「孫伯亡畏」,傳 文兩者皆作「文之亡畏」(申舟),故「申公叔侯」與「文之無畏」可 能為同一人;莊王以來的楚吳關係中以「少盈;」為陳公子徵舒之妻’與 傳文從杜預以來,皆認為夏姬為夏徵舒之母不同;楚共與晉景、属時的 弭兵之盟事中,簡文以為宋華元行楚晉之成,乃楚王所使,且後來因晉先背盟伐秦,故楚人圍鄭以報復。其敘述觀點異於《左傳》所載的楚子 反先背盟不同,可見楚人史觀。
而〈繫年〉亦見《左傳》不及載的楚國史,可補其記事與記年,如 《葛陵楚簡》載大莫敖陽為與晉師戰於長城之歲,據〈繫年〉為簡王九 年事。而〈羼羌鐘〉載廳羌佐韓宗征秦,迫齊師入長城事亦可與簡文中 的聲王事對應等,本文將針對〈繫年〉中的楚史記載來與《左傳》相校, 以見其異同。


Among the Chu Dynasty Bamboo slips which Shanghai Museum and Tsing-Hua University contain, some slips recorded stories of Chu written by Chu compatriots. However, there is a slight discrepancy between the recording of the slips and hand-down-literature. This paper uses eight events as examples to compare the records in Xi-Nian and Zuo Zhuan; furthermore, this paper would show some records about King Chien, King Sheng, and King Dao of Chu, which didn’t record in Zuo Zhuan but in Xi-Nian. The comparison between the two kinds of texts would generate new historical data and hence contribute to our knowledge of the history of the state of Chu.
