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篇名 Relationship Between Media Viewing and Obesity in School-Aged Children in Taipei, Taiwan
卷期 21:3
並列篇名 探討傳媒使用與台北市學齡期兒童肥胖的關係
作者 黃秀玫簡莉盈葉庭吉李碧霞張碧真
頁次 195-203
關鍵字 學齡期兒童傳媒使用看電視全身型肥胖中央型肥胖school-aged childrenmedia viewingwatching televisiontotal obesitycentral obesityMEDLINEScopusSSCITSCITSSCISCIE
出刊日期 201309


背景 兒童肥胖與傳媒的使用如看電視、錄影帶或是玩電腦的時間有相關性。美國小兒科學
會建議,兒童每天使用傳媒的總時間勿大於2個小時。然而台灣關於傳媒使用的時間與 學齡期兒童肥胖之間的相關訊息仍較缺乏。
目的 探討台北市學齡期兒童在課後使用傳媒時間與全身型、中央型肥胖的關係。
方法 以個案對照的方式進行資料收集,選取台北市29所國民小學四年級生,分別為275位正
常體位以及275位肥胖的學齡期兒童為研究對象。由兒童填寫三日活動量表,記錄課後 從事使用傳媒的時間,以及由父母親填寫國民健康訪問調查中,日常生活習慣記錄兒 童每天從事靜態活動的時間。
結果 全身型肥胖的學齡期兒童,在課後看電視時間(60.24 minutes vs. 43.50 minutes, p < .05 )、
總傳媒時間(73.61 minutes vs. 52.67 minutes, p < .001)顯著多於正常體位的兒童;在中央
型肥胖的學齡期兒童也有相同的發現。兒童花費在看電視時間以及傳媒總時間大於2小時 ,與全身型、中央型肥胖有顯著相關性。然而正常體位與肥胖兒童在平日使用電腦的時 間則沒有顯著的差異。
結論/兒童肥胖的原因可能起源於多個因素,看電視是最具代表性的坐式活動,當花費過多 實務應用的時間在看電視,也許是影響兒童體型的一個原因。學校的護理人員可以推行健康促 進活動,以預防兒童全身型與中央型肥胖,此外也可建議減少兒童課後傳媒的使用以 及鼓勵參與戶外的活動。


Background: Increased media viewing such as watching television and videos and playing on/using computers has been associated with childhood obesity. Guidelines from the American Academy of Pediatrics recommend limiting children's total media time to no more than 2 hours per day. Information about media usage and school-aged obesity in Taiwan is lacking.
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate whether media viewing after school is associated with the total and central obesity in school-aged children in Taipei, Taiwan's capital and largest city.
Methods: A case-control study was designed, and a control approach was used to recruit participants. Two hundred seventy-five obese and 275 normal-weight children currently in the fourth grade were enrolled from 29 elementary schools in Taipei City. Media viewing after school was measured using a 3-day selfreported physical activity log and the daily sedentary activity component of the National Health Interview Survey in Taiwan. The latter was completed by the participants' parents.
Results: Participants with total obesity had significantly more television watching time (60.24 minutes vs. 43.50 minutes, p < .05) and total media watching time (73.61 minutes vs. 52.67 minutes, p < .001) than normal-weight participants. Similar results were found for participants with central obesity. Total television and total media watching durations greater than 2 hours a day correlated significantly with total and central obesity. Time spent using computers did not differ significantly between obese and normal-weight control participants on weekdays.
Conclusions/Implications for Practice: Childhood obesity may be multifactorial in origin. Excessive sedentary activity such as watching television may have a variety of consequences beyond the putative effect on body habitus. School nurses should promote health programs targeted to prevent excessive weight and obesity in children ,recommend reducing media viewing, and encourage patient participation in extracurricular outdoor activities.
