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篇名 汽車單臂雨刷動態分析
卷期 10
並列篇名 Dynamics Analysis of Single-lever Windshield Wiper Systems
作者 黃榮文陳建良
頁次 103-114
關鍵字 雨刷膠條虛擬原型柔性體Windshield wiper bladeVirtual prototypeFlexible body
出刊日期 201306


一個良好的汽車雨刷系統,有賴於雨刷膠條與擋風玻璃間的服貼度適中,受力狀況(包含應力、應變及形變量)平均分佈,以發揮清除雨滴及汚漬的最佳功能,並得到雨刷膠條的最大使用壽命。本研究分析汽車雨刷動態特性,並使用國內乘用車三菱Freeca 車種之後擋風玻璃的單臂雨刷系統為例,建製實體模組,並以ADAMS 及ANSYS 建構其虛擬原型,模擬真實情況下,進行雨刷與擋風玻璃之間的動態分析,其步驟如下:(1) SolidWorks 及ADAMS 軟體的初始模型建構,(2) ANSYS 軟體之雨刷膠條柔性體建構,(3)ADAMS 整合初始模型及雨刷膠條柔性體成虛擬原型以及接觸力的設定, (4) 最後經由ADAMS 的動態模擬來進行分析。


A functional and reliable windshield wiper system relies on how well the blades can closely adhere to the curvature of the windshield, as well as how evenly can forces be applied to maximize the cleaning function and prolong the lifespan of the blades themselves. This study analyzes the dynamic behaviors of windshield wipers using the rear windshield wiper system of a domestic passenger vehicle (Mitsubishi Freeca) as a physical model. Virtual prototype is constructed using ADAMS and ANSYS to perform simulations and analyses through the following steps: 1) utilize SolidWorks and ADAMS software to build the primitive models, 2) use ANSYS to construct the flexible body of the blade, 3) use ADAMS to integrate the primitive models and flexible body, and set the contact force between the blades and the windshield, and 4) perform dynamics simulation with ADAMS and analyze the results.
From the simulation results, the even distribution of the wiper deformation, stress and strain on the blade validates the feasibility of the constructed virtual prototype. Future works will further measure the stress and strain of the physical wiper model to validate the accuracy of the simulation results.
