
臺灣人類學刊 ScopusTSSCI

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篇名 越南媽媽•臺灣囡仔:臺越跨國婚姻家庭幼兒社會化之初探
卷期 6:2
並列篇名 Vietnamese Mothers, Taiwanese Children:Socializing Practices with Young Children in Sino-Vietnamese Cross-Border Marriage Families in Taipei, Taiwan
作者 馮涵棣梁綺涵
頁次 047-088
關鍵字 跨國婚姻家庭越南新移民女性「新臺灣之子」日常家庭社會化幼兒親子互動transnational Vietnamese female immigrants“new Taiwanese children”everyday family socializationparent-child interactionsScopusTSSCI
出刊日期 200812


近年來臺灣興起一波新移民潮,他們幾乎全為女性、因婚姻隻身而來、來 臺未久就多成為母親。隨著她們的「新臺灣之子」逐漸進入教育體系,臺灣社 會對於異族、異文化母親是否得以稱職充滿疑慮。然而卻又對這些家庭日常社 會化欠缺實徵理解、更從未正視新移民所帶來的母文化。本研究意圓填補這些 空缺,以民族誌為取向、由文化面切入,檢視女性婚姻移民在階級、性別、族 群未必權力對等的客居地如何在家戶內教養幼兒,以及社會化歷程中可能遭逢 的文化傳承、語言使用、自我建構等議題。居住在大臺北地區的7個臺越跨國 婚姻家庭長期參與本研究。由孩子兩歲半起,定時觀察家庭日常生活與親子互 動,所有影音紀錄皆謄寫為含語氣、聲調、動作、情境之逐字稿,並含中越文 翻譯。另也不定時地參與家庭活動,並多次隨同親子赴越南娘家從事田野。
本文僅分析研究初期在臺灣之觀察與訪談資料。孩子父親都對越南飲食 與文化興趣缺缺,雖對配偶語言與文化能力有所疑慮,皆預期對方承擔教養之 責。母親均展現高度文化適應力,平日以國語與孩子互動,然而中文字彙裡卻 蘊含越南意義。在親子專屬的私密空間裡,也暗藏對越南文化精髓之堅持。她 們看重長幼有序的禮貌,僅以vdns tay代表,更重視情感之耕耘與表達,僅以 thuam代表。這些價值觀是越南文化中孝道之雛形體現,與華人文化相似、卻 又有細腻之不同。在跨國移動日益普遍的今日,這些家庭幼兒社會化實踐之觀 察提供我們以新的角度省思並正視雙語言與雙文化之傳承與認同議題。


Taiwan has recently received a wave of female marriage immigrants from China and Southeast Asia. With their children gradually entering the educational system, there have been concerns in Taiwan over whether these foreign brides are capable of properly raising their next generation, the so-called “new Taiwanese children” Nevertheless, we know little about their daily socializing practices, particularly regarding whether and how the mother’s native language and culture might play a role in the process. This study hopes to fill these gaps. Seven Sino-Vietnamese transnational families residing in metropolitan Taipei have participated in our ongoing project for over three years since the focal child was 2;6. In addition to parental interviews and fieldwork in Vietnam, the children’s daily interactions with their family members were systematically observed and videorecorded. Analysis of our first year data reveals that the fathers were worried about their spouses’ competence in educating their children, but the mothers had quickly acquired the new language and culture. Although translated into Chinese or appearing in forms conforming to Taiwanese customs, two culturally Vietnamese notions can be identified from their daily interactions with their youngsters: politeness training through vdns tay and affect cultivation through thwang. These notions reflect the meaning of filial piety in Vietnamese culture .
