
Annals of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging

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篇名 Adrenocortical Carcinoma: Report of a Case
卷期 26:3
並列篇名 腎上腺皮質癌:病例報吿
作者 丁建鑫楊容欣朱任公
頁次 094-096
關鍵字 腎上腺皮質癌庫欣氏徵候群鎝-99m骨骼掃描adrenocortical carcinomaCushing's syndromeTc-99m MDP bone scan
出刊日期 201309
DOI 10.3966/222696812013092603004


本文報告一例病患爲年輕女性,臨床徵狀表現爲庫欣氏徵候群,經詳細檢查後發現爲功能性腎上 腺腫瘤,且經腹部電腦斷層進一步確認。爲了腫瘤轉移之評估,進行了鐯-99m全身骨骼掃描,發現一 腫塊位於腎臟上方,並無骨骼惡性轉移病灶。腎上腺腫瘤切除證實爲腎上腺皮質癌;然而術後,仍然 發生肝臟、肺臟以及腹膜腔轉移。


We present the case of a young woman who had clinical features of Cushing’s syndrome, which on investigations was assumed to be caused by a functioning adrenocortical tumor. The mass was confirmed in addition to an abdominal CT scan. As an accessory procedure in the metastatic workup, Tc-99m MDP bone scan showed a suprarenal mass and a negative skeletal survey. Surgical pathology confirmed as an adrenocortical carcinoma. Nevertheless, aggressive intrahepatic involvement, lung metastasis and peritoneal seeding developed shortly after the adrenalectomy and the patients died within a few months.
