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篇名 服務學習與通識教育
卷期 14
並列篇名 Service-Learning and General Education
作者 劉振維
頁次 021-044
關鍵字 服務-學習通識教育人生哲學Service-learningGeneral EducationPhilosophy of Life
出刊日期 201306


「服務-學習」(Service-Leaming)課程是近年教育部大力推動 的必修課程之一。但在推動「服務-學習」課程的過程中,因其 與傳統課堂教學有所差異,是以各系專業的反彈聲音甚大,各校 推動過程皆不甚順暢。但「服務-學習」課程亦非全無益處,其 督促師生走出校園、步入社會,關懷所在社區、關心同一天空下 的同胞,每一個人奉獻一點心力,讓整體社會一起成長、共造溫 馨。學生於每週2小時的磨鍊過程中(吾人訂定9週),耳濡目 染於無形中自自然然有所成長,如組織能力、應對與應變能力、 抗壓與承檐責任,以及對自我信心皆有顯著提升,同時反省所就 讀科系是否是其會努力學習之處,進而反思自我學習的意義與價 值。如是經驗式的學習,確實有其益處。然而,我們亦得反思, 學生如是學習,是否缺乏靜謐心思以思索深奥的理論;教師必須 花費甚多精力拜訪服務機構、關懷學生,如是自我本職學能將被 排擠,研究必然無所兼顧。吾人透過開設兩門「人生哲學與服務 學習」課程,與修課129位同學一同進行反思。同時藉由「服務 -學習」再次反省通識教育的意義到底何在。


Service-Learning in recent years has been strongly promoted by the Ministry of Education. The difficulties in implementing this kind of learning, which is quite opposite to traditional ways of learning, have become obvious in the various institutions where it is being practiced. These institutions also complained about the infeasibility of the current practice. Still there is some meaning in this kind of learning, since it forces the professors and students to venture beyond the campus walls. Students are confronted with society in general and those in it that need help. This experience changes their attitudes and makes them more aware of their responsibility to society. It also gives the students more confidence and strengthens their organizational abilities. It also makes them reflect about the meaning of their current studies and its usefulness for society. Still it is worth asking whether this kind of experience is enough without some theoretical back-up to put these experiences into context. The service-learning is also a great burden on the professors who have to contact, organize and care for the students during these activities. This makes it hard for the professors to keep up with their research in their own field. The author has taught two classes on “Service-learning and philosophy of life” with a total of 129 students participating. From this experience it is also possible to draw some conclusions on the meaning of general education programs in general.
