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篇名 梁蕭敷及王氏墓誌銘流傳考
卷期 5:1
並列篇名 Examining of The Spread of The Epitaphs of Hsiao Fu and His Wife, Mrs. Wang of Liang Dynasty
作者 吳修安
頁次 135-142
關鍵字 蕭敷吳縣潘氏吳湖帆嚴可均Hsiao FuPan families of Wu CountyWu Hu-FanYen Ke-Jun
出刊日期 201306


本文考察「梁蕭敷及王氏墓誌銘」墓誌原石的出土與拓本的 流傳。這二方墓誌在南宋紹興年間短暫出現後,隨即亡佚消失, 僅留下少數拓本,以致於長期很少人能窺其全貌,明代以降更不 見任何相關記載,直至道光年間才有拓本重新出現在世人面前。 該份拓本先後為劉師陸、松江沈氏、吳縣潘氏所收藏,最終作為 潘靜淑的嫁妝被帶到吳湖帆家,是當時唯一流傳的拓本。


This paper examined the excavaton of the epitaphs and the circulation of the rubbings of Hsiao Fu and his wife, Mrs. Wang. These two epitaphs appeared transiently in the period of Shaoxing in Southern Song Dynasty and disappeared soon. Only a few rubbings were handed down. This caused that only a few people can see them for a long time. After Ming Dynasty, there were even no related records about them. One rubbing did not re-appeared until the reign of Daoguang in Qing Dynasty. This rubbing was kept successively by Liu Shi Lu, Sheng familes of Song Jiang, and Pan families of Xu County. It ends up becoming a dowry of Pan Jing-Shu and subsequently kept by his husband, Wu Hu-Fan. It was the only rubbing copy circulated at that time.
