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篇名 宋太宗、真宗朝的致太平以封禪
卷期 43:3
並列篇名 To Achieve Great Peace:Song Taizong to Zhenzong’s “Fengshan” Activities
作者 張維玲
頁次 481-524
關鍵字 宋太宗宋真宗太平封禪Song TaizongSong ZhenzongGreat PeacefengshanTHCI
出刊日期 201309


在傳統政治文化中,「封禪」與「太平」理想不可分割。根據隋唐君主的封禪經 驗,統一全國、無重大外患、無嚴重災荒或祥瑞降臨是君臣們認為靠著自身努力可以達 成太平的幾個條件。在此政治文化基礎上,本文擬通過「致太平以封禪」探討北宋太宗 (939-997)、真宗(968-1022)君臣「走出五代」的歷史過程’並進一步討論他們如何 「看待」自身與太平理想的距離,以及用什麼「方法」企圖達至太平。
筆者認為:在「端拱」元年以前,太宗期望以武力收復燕雲來完成一統大業,積極 追求太平。在此之後,接受趙普「修德來遠」之論,積極於內政,對外改採消極態度。 一方面幫助太宗掩飾軍事力量不足的屈辱,另一方面則為在軍事上無能為力的文臣,找 到影響朝政的論調。在此過程中,太宗數次找尋封禪時機,都因不符太平條件不得不放 棄。真宗咸平年間,西、北外敵入侵,藉由強調自己無德,以積極應對的方式達成和 平。依此,將大中祥符元年的封禪,放在宋初以來的政治文化中加以理解,實為「宣 稱」太平已致,使真宗擺脫短命王朝的陰影。


This paper discusses the political process of the early Song 宋 era by analyzing the fengshan 封禪-related actvities of Song Taizong 宋太宗 and Song Zhenzong 宋 真宗.In the tradition of Chinese political culture, fengshan cannot be separated from the idea of Great Peace 太平.There were four conditions that had to be fulfilled to achieve Great Peace: unity, lack of foreign invasions, lack of natural disasters, and auspicious signs from heaven. I go a step further and discuss how Taizong and Zhenzong regarded the dynasty’s distance from Great Peace, and also which methods they used to try to achieve it. Taizong tried many times to perform fengshan, but he had to give up because he could not satisfy the conditions for peace. Zhenzong, on the other hand, claimed the achievement of Great Peace, for he had broken away from the shadow of a short-lived dynasty.
