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篇名 中小型營造業施工安全重大職災初探
卷期 21:3
並列篇名 Major Accident Analysis in Small and Medium-Sized Construction Enterprises
作者 林楨中鄭慶武楊啟男
頁次 277-303
關鍵字 中小型營造業重大職業災害分析施工安全Small-medium construction enterprisesOccupational accident analysisConstrction safety
出刊日期 201309


依據營造業重大職災統計,勞工人數小於30人之中小型營造業發生重大職災占所有營造業 重大職災之比例高達85%,其肇災原因甚多,本研究蒐集2000〜2010年中小型營造業重大職災 案例,並進行統計分析,以瞭解重大職災發生要因,作為加強中小型營造業施工安全防災策略 制定之參考,期能有效降低營造業職災率。
研究發現中小型營造業主要之災害仍以墜落、滾落為主,佔50%,其次為物體倒(崩)塌 (17%)、感電(9%)、物體飛落(5%)及被撞(5%)等;職災發生最多之工程類型主要為建築工程, 佔46%,其次為公路工程(8%),拆除與修繕補強作業(7%),電路管道工程(7%)等;發生墜落時 之地點主要以在施工架、工地開放邊緣及開口處、屋頂及鋼構上最多;中小型營造業主要承攬 之工程規模集中於新台幣5百萬元以下之工程,勞工年齡方面以35〜44歲最多,其中又以臨時工 罹災比例居多;發生職災之勞工人數中有48%未有投保,現場安全衛生教育訓練實施之比例不 足20%,職災勞工進入工作場所未滿三個月內即發生重大職災比例則高達52%。


Based on the analysis of construction major accidents, 85% accidents were caused by small and medium-sized construction enterprises with employee fewer than 30 persons. This study collected the construction major accident data from the Council of Labor Affairs in Taiwan between year 2000 to 2010 for accident analysis. The purpose of this research is to investigate the accident influence factors of small-medium enterprises using methodologies of descriptive statistics and to support the decision making of accident prevention strategy.
The results of this research include: (1)The main accident types of the small and mediumsized enterprises in construction industry are falls and tumbles, accounting for 50 percent, followed by the collapse of objects(17%), electric shock(9%), fall of objects (5%) and impact(5%). (2) Most of occupational accidents occurred in building projects, accounting for 46 percent, followed by the transportation projects (8%), demolition and renovation operations (7%), electricity and pipeline projects (7%). (3)Most locations of fall accidents are on the scaffolds, site open edges and openings, roofs and steel structures.(4) The project contract amount was almost less than five million NTD with temporary workers between 35 and 44 years old. (5) 48% of major accident workers hadn’t labor insurance. The implementation of site safety and health training is less than 20%. Workers into the workplace under three months had a significant proportion as high as 52% among all major accidents.
