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篇名 安全衛生管理系統的流程及資料行為模式之探討
卷期 21:3
並列篇名 A Study on Process Behavior Model and Data Behavior Model in Information System of Safety and Health Management
作者 張芳仁黃兆陽高崇洋
頁次 304-319
關鍵字 安全衛生管理流程模式管理決策資訊資料行為模式Safety and health managementProcess modelData behavior model
出刊日期 201309


管理,除了要注重工作的效能,工作效率的提昇更是對企業有所幫助。現行的安全衛生管 理資訊系統,在幫助安全管理人員工作的效能上,已發揮極大的功效,若要進一步透過系統的 使用,提昇安全衛生管理人員的效率,管理作業的流程模式及資料行為模式的研究、分析是必 須的。
現行安全衛生管理資訊系統的設計,大部分以相關的管理系統標準為基準,如英國的 BS8800、台灣的TOSHIMS等,因此使用流程大部份以文件處理與管理為導向,本文提出安全 衛生管理作業的流程模式及資料行為模式,分析在此種以文件處理與管理為導向的資訊系統, 系統中的相關資訊轉換行為,並以此模式提出相關運用的概念設計,作為日後強化類似系統的 管理功能、效率、友善度及整合參考。


Effectiveness and efficiency are two major objects in management. The former one has higher priority but the later one is a hot issue in a company. For job of safety and health manager, current information system of safety and health management had done a great work in effectiveness. To increase the efficiency of safety and health management work via information system usage, process behavior model and data behavior model studying of work flow in safety and health management is necessary.
Being based on management system, like BS8800 of British or TOSHMS of Taiwan, the system design of most current information systems of safety and health management are document processing and managing oriented. In this study, author develop a process model and a data behavior model to explain the information transition behavior in current information system of safety and health management. These two models could be used to improve the system functionality, user efficiency, user friendliness of system and system integration.
