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篇名 油炸後食用油之酸價與空氣中多環芳香烴化合物濃度及毒性之關聯性調查
卷期 21:3
並列篇名 Assessing the Acid Values of Cooking Oil, Emission Concentration of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) and Their Corresponding Toxicities During the Pre- and Post-Frying
作者 周晏如蔡朋枝張振平何雨芳謝正悅陳美如
頁次 320-330
關鍵字 食用油油炸酸價多環芳香烴化合物Microtox毒性Soybean oilFrying processAcid valuePolycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons Microtox acute toxicity
出刊日期 201309


本研究探討食用油重覆油炸後其油品內之酸價值與逸散至空氣中之多環芳香烴化合物 (Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, PAHs)濃度及毒性之變化情形。本研究選取市面上用量最 多之一種食用油(沙拉油)及一種食物(雞翅)進行重覆油炸後,針對油品利用滴定法量測 其酸價值(Acid Value, AV),並以PS-1高流量採樣與微孔均勻沈積衝擊器(Micro-Onfice Uniform Deposit Impactor, MOUDI)進行空氣樣本採樣,所獲得之樣本並以氣相層析儀/質譜儀及螢光檢 測儀,分別分析油炸後逸散至空氣中PAHs濃度及其毒性。
研究結果發現:1.食用油每日油炸4小時,連續油炸7天後之AV並未超過我國衛生署食品衛 生處訂定之標準值。2.因食用油之黏滯度與油炸溫度不變,食用油油炸第1天、第4天及第7天 之作業環境PAHs之粒徑未隨油炸時間增加而增加。3.食用油油炸過程產生之PAHs大部分會到 達勞工呼吸道肺泡區。4.PAHs所造成之急毒性,並未隨油炸時間增加而增加。然而PAHs所造 成之慢毒性卻隨油炸時間增加而增加,因此證明油炸環境造成作業人員之健康危害應以慢毒性 為主。油品重覆油炸AV值上升至標準值之天數,較PAHs達容許濃度之天數為少,故藉量測油 品之AV值亦可達到保護作業勞工之目的。


This study is set out to assess the variation of acid values (AVs) of frying oils, emission concentrations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and their corresponding toxicities after different repeated frying processes. One most used soybean oil and chicken wings were selected. Particle-phase PAHs air samples were collected by PS-1 samplers and Micro-Orifice uniform deposit impactor (MOUDI), and gas-phase PAHs air samples were collected by PS-1 samplers. Air samples were analyzed by GC/MS to determine the contents of 22 PAHs. Pre- and post soybean oil bulk samples are collected for the analysis of their AVs. All oil samples were analyzed by titration analysis to determine their AVs. All collected air samples were also analyzed by Microtox Analyzer to determine their acute toxicities.
Results show: 1.AV of the frying oil samples (0.29-1.22 mg KOH/g) < AV of the current standard value (2 mg KOH/g) set by Department of Health in Taiwan, 2.Oil mist size distribution in the frying workplace were all in a unimodal form, 3.The fractions of emitted particle-phase PAHs exposed mainly to the alveolar region, 4.The Microtox acute toxicity evaluation remained constant with frying time for all collected air samples, but their corresponding total benzo[a]pyrene equivalent (Total-BaPeq) were increased with the frying time indicating the health effect of workers should focus on chronic toxicity. The duration for measured AV reaching the limit value after repeated frying processes is less than that of measured air PAH concentrations indicating observation of AV is a suitable for protecting workers in the workplaces.
