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篇名 勞動檢查與職災統計關係探討
卷期 21:3
並列篇名 The Study of Correlation between Labor Inspections and Occupational Accidents
作者 黎文龍劉國青
頁次 366-372
關鍵字 職業災害勞動檢查統計分析Occupational accidentLabor inspectionStatistics analysis
出刊日期 201309


為瞭解職業災害之現況並具以評估減災成效,必須對職業安全相關指標,加以統計分析。 研究應用統計方法之相關性、回歸分析、時間序列,探討勞動檢查與職災的關係。
研究發現重大職災死亡千人率與勞動檢查之安全衛生檢查次數有高度的負相關性(相關係 數-0.906 ; ^<0.001 ),以線性適配之間的關係呈現冪次曲線反比關係;具以比較營造業與製造 業,冪次曲線取對數(log)轉換線性斜率比較(0.38>0.15),發現營造業藉由安全衛生檢查方法,達到降低重大職災目的效果較好。另進一步運用時間序列分析,發現職災統計指標具有 自我相關性,各產業的職災自我相關性差異,可作為控管與探討高度職災自我相關性行業的原 因;產業的職災與安全衛生檢查次數之間的交叉相關差異,可作為複查安全衛生檢查之時間週期。


Statistic of occupational accident is an important index of occupational safety and health status. Government needs to compile statistic of occupational accident, forecast that establish policy and appraise outcome. Study makes use of multivalent statistical analysis and Time Series of correlation and regression to study between labor inspection and Occupational accident. The statistic model can bargain policy about preventing occupational accident.
Result of statistic analysis has shown high inverse correlation between 1,000 rate of occupational fatality and safety and health inspection (correlation coefficient -0.906; p <0.001). Another comparison with the manufacturing and construction industry, Founding that the construction industry needs more by means of safety and health inspection to achieve the purpose about preventing occupational accident. The power curve passes through logarithmic change and slope is 0.38 and 0.15, to result that inspection of construction industry is better than inspection of manufacturing. The result of autocorrelation analysis has found that the 1,000 rate of occupational fatality has autocorrelation, can further study reason what is industry of high autocorrelation of occupation accident. Another result of cross autocorrelation analysis has found that cross correlation between 1,000 rate of occupational fatality and safety and health inspection, can bargain about duplicate time of inspection.
