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篇名 進香的象徵性與對等交換邏輯:以沙鹿地區成衣業者之民間宗教之儀式過程為例
卷期 16
並列篇名 The Symbolic Significance of Jinxiang and the Logic of Equivalent Exchange:Example of the Ritual Process of Folk Religion of the Garment Processing Industry in Shalu
作者 楊士範
頁次 001-036
關鍵字 沙鹿成衣加工業者民間宗教進香實踐邏輯Shalu,garment processing industryfolk religionJinxiangpractical logic
出刊日期 201307




The theme of this study is the folk religious activities of the garment processing industry in Shalu. It is understood that nearly half of the members of the garment processing industry in Shalu, having very similar features as the ones of the garment industry in Wufenpu, were oyster farmers living at the seashore of Fangyuan Township in Changhua County. What the author of this study wants to investigate is the combination
and division between the immigrants forty years ago and the local Han people in Shalu. Above all, how to organize and divide people through the traditional folk religious activities and ceremonies (such as Fenxiang [inviting a deity from an original ancient temple to be enshrined in a late-built new temple], Jinxiang [pilgrimages from a latebuilt
new temple back to the original ancient temple], and Processions) is an issue worthy of studying. What were investigated and studied are the current traditional folk religious activities in the area of Shalu, especially including the symbolic significance of the local ritual activities and religious ceremonies belonging to the garment industry. The core issue of this article is: Nearly half of the members of the garment processing industry in Shalu were immigrants from other counties or cities. How do these immigrants from Fangyuan combine and interact with the local people in Shalu, especially through local village temple (Earth God Temple) and regional faith (religious activities and ceremonies of Wealth God Temple), to organize and divide people? How do they construct a
‘religious community’?
