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篇名 南宋學者對北宋理學社群之建構——以朱熹《伊洛淵源錄》為觀察核心
卷期 23
並列篇名 A Research of Yi Luo Yuan Yuan Lu by Zhu Xi— The Fist Academic Collection Establishing Northern Song Li Xue Group
作者 林保全
頁次 083-123
關鍵字 朱熹伊洛淵源錄道學理學道統Zhu XiYi Luo Yuan Yuan LuTao XueLi XueConfucian OrthodoxyTHCI Core
出刊日期 201307


朱熹《伊洛淵源錄》為建構北宋理學社群之第一部學術史著作,且朱熹又為 理學之集大成者,是其所建構之理學社群,實極具價值與影響。然今學界不僅關 注未深,且《四庫全書總目》雖以此書為「談道學宗派」、「分道學門戶」之肇端, 然於朱熹如何「談道學宗派」,如何「分道學門戶」,又建構出何種宗派與門戶之 社群關係,皆未深入涉及。再者,此書又反映何種內在精神與典範,四庫館臣亦 未有隻字片語提及,此於學術史而言實頗為遺憾。故本文嘗試以《四庫全書總目》 所揭示「道學宗派」、「道學門戶」二點為問題之核心,考察朱熹於《伊洛淵源錄》 中,如何建構及建構出何種「道學宗派」、「道學門戶」之理學社群,並就四庫館 臣未能指出此書所欲樹立之精神與典範一項,進行梳理與考察。
藉由本文研究,朱熹所建構「道學宗派」、「道學門戶」,實為「程門宗派」、 「程門門戶」之北宋理學社群。就「程門宗派」之內涵而言,朱熹藉由裒集「程 門諸公」之生平事蹟、行實文字,及利用「修史立傳」之方式,初步區分北宋學 術為「程門宗派之學」與「非程門宗派之學」。復以「程門門戶」而言,朱熹首 先將「程門諸公」之四十六人區分為三類,並以「二程為主幹」、「程門為枝葉」 之架構,建構起「程門門戶」之社群關係,與道統論述中以脈脈孤傳作為建構方 式者明顯不同。其中分判程門與否之設準,則以「與二程有授受關係」作為潛在 條例,去分判何人可入於程門而何人不可,而此一授受關係並未以嚴格之師承關 係作限定,是其特殊所在。此外,朱熹更於此書之中樹立起「內聖/外王」之內 在精神與典範,亦即藉由傳記、遺事之選錄,一方面呈現程門理學社群所具有「志在天下國家」之精神,用以期許士人具備入世之情懷,以成就外王之功業,而另 一方面又樹立起「聖賢氣象」之典範,以期許士人能夠超凡入聖、優入聖域,並 以此作為終極關懷,而此書特有之道統建構,亦為道統論述開啟一新格局。


Yi Luo Yuan Yuan Lu by Zhu Xi is the first academic collection establishing North Song Li Xue Group. Compared to another philosophy work by Zhu Xi, Jing Shi Lu, this book was less followed or studied by the scholars and its academic value was long neglected. Therefore, this thesis is to emphasize the academic value of Yi Luo Yuan Yuan Lu for the scholars to reconsider it.
First of all, this study points out that Yi Luo Yuan Yuan Lu is not only a biography. As Zhu Xi expressed his academic viewpoints by deliberately choosing and arranging these related biographical data through a certain edition, this book contains Zhu Xi’s academic points of view.
Secondly, when editing this book, Zhu Xi made Cheng Hao and Cheng Yi as the main shaft, recording their teachers, students, and friends of discussing knowledge. In the process, there must have some sort of editing rules, not randomly recorded.
Thirdly, this biography and related data also imply that these Li Xue groups have the spirit of “Nei Shen” to elevate self-virtue into the state of the saint and the belief of “Wai Wong” that promotes political engagement for the public interest.
