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篇名 我國與韓國總統文件管理發展歷程比較
卷期 82
並列篇名 A Comparative Study of the Presidential Records Management between Taiwan and Korea
作者 吳宇凡薛理桂
頁次 069-094
關鍵字 韓國臺灣總統文件管理KoreaTaiwanPresidential recordsManagement
出刊日期 201305


近代東亞地區受國際局勢影響,各國發展背景極為特殊,其中,我國與韓國於第二次世界大戰結束 後,不僅受各自内戰的影響與美國政府的介入與援助,其後長期的分裂、戒嚴乃至民主開放,甚而兩國 開放後採用相同的行政體制(半總統制),使兩國成為東亞地區唯二設置總統一職的國家。總統相關文書與 物件乃政府行政決策發展之媒介,其管理更體現國家政治體系之發展,我國與韓國同處東亞地區,加上 兩國幾近同步的文件管理相關法規制定時程,著實令人好奇兩國在近代總統文件管理的發展差異。本文 即整理相關學者及文獻對於總統文件之定義,以確定本文研究之範圍,並針對我國與韓國總統文件管理 之沿革與法制化發展進行介紹與比較,以期瞭解東亞地區國家總統文件管理發展,相較歐美國家總統文 件管理的特殊性,從而作為未來相關研究之參考。


During the last decades, many East Asian countries have been gradually and profoundly influenced by international states of affairs. Among these countries, Taiwan and Korea bear certain similarities in their separate historical development. Both Taiwan and Korea were once colonized by Japan for 50 years. After World War II, Taiwan and Korea were both significantly influenced by the outbreak of civil war, the intervention of the U.S. government, and the long-term imposition of martial law. Moreover, since the imposition of martial law was lifted, the administrative systems respectively established in Taiwan and in Korea have also shared close similarities. Presidential records are one of the various official documentary media that allow us to observe the respective political and historical development of Taiwan and of Korea. The management of presidential records, as a result, plays an influential role in our understanding of the historical development in these two countries. Through a comparison of the presidential records management between Taiwan and Korea, this article attempts to first examine definitions of presidential records, and then with a wider scope to analyze the particularity of the presidential records management in East Asia.
