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篇名 當前校園倫理的危機、新思維與學校因應策略
卷期 683
並列篇名 Crises, New Perspectives and Problem-solving Tactics Surrounding School Ethics
作者 姜得勝
頁次 002-011
關鍵字 倫理道德校園倫理EthicsMoralitySchool Ethics
出刊日期 201310


面對每天社會亂象百病叢生,本研究透由「品德基本知識調查」後發現,竟然當前769 位高職學生受測有效樣本中,分別只有3 人知道「四維」、只有1 人知道「八德」之核心意涵,「一葉知秋」,足見當前學生由於欠缺系統性「品德基本知識」,直接間接影響其正確倫理判斷能力。鑑此,面對當前國內倫理教育嚴重問題,作者乃針砭時弊,提出校園倫理應有的新思維與學校之因應策略,冀期透由具體可行的倫理教育,以提升國人知善、樂善與行善之認知、情感與行為。


This article reports the outcomes of a survey of basic moral knowledge that was administered to 769 students from vocational high schools. The survey study was meaningful in the current Taiwan society which witnesses tremendous social disorders and troubles. Surprisingly, we noticed that among the students surveyed, only three and one of them understood the essential meaning of four ethical principles and eight cardinal virtues respectively. Based on the survey outcomes, we suspect that students nowadays seem to be deficient in systematic knowledge of basic morality. They are thus directly or indirectly refrained from developing sufficient ability in making ethical judgment of various kinds. In view of the serious problems pertaining to ethics education nowadays, we accordingly propose new perspectives and problemsolving tactics pertaining to school ethics. It is hoped that through this measure we could help to enhance the cognition, affection, and deed of Taiwan citizens in terms of knowledge of goodness, delight of goodness, and practice of goodness.
