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篇名 物理治療介入社區照顧關懷據點活動對老人體能活動表現、平衡能力及走路能力之成效
卷期 38:3
並列篇名 Effects of Physical Therapy on Physical Performance, Balance and Walking Ability of Elderly Persons who are Participating in “Community Eldercare Service”
作者 張棋興梁忠詔林春香魏于鈞徐瑋璟陳家慶
頁次 201-209
關鍵字 社區照顧關懷據點老人物理治療體能活動平衡走路Community eldercare serviceElderlyPhysical therapyPhysical performanceBalanceWalkingTSCI
出刊日期 201309
DOI 10.6215/JFPT.PTS 1358934323


背景與目的:本研究目的欲探討物理治療短期介入社區關懷據點對於社區老人之體能活動表現、平衡及走路能力的影響。方法:實驗共收集社區老人52位,實驗組27位與對照組25位。受試者皆參與每週兩次、毎次3小時的社區關懷據點活動。實驗組含毎週一次物理治療師介入的復健運動指導,對照組則無,活動持續3個月。評估包含體能活動表現、平衡能力及走路能力。結果:49 位老人完成本研究。兩組於介入前之基本資料與體能活動表現、平衡能力及走路能力並無顯著差異。介入後,實驗組在簡短身體功能量表、功能性前伸、左右腳單腳站立時間、計時起走測試與 10公尺走路測試等項目改善幅度均較對照組大且達顯著差異(/7<0.05 );對照組則僅在計時起走測試有顯著進歩(P<0.05)。結論:短期物理治療介入於社區關懷據點活動有助於改善社區老人之體能活動表現、平衡能力及走路能力;然而此改善是否能持續值得進一步追蹤。臨床意義:本研究結果可供日後物理治療師介入社區關懷據點活動之參考。(物理治療2013;38(3):20丨-209 )


Background and Purpose: As the elderly population in Taiwan increases, “community eldercare service” forms an essential part of the government’s elderly welfare program policy. The purpose of the study was to determine whether combining participation in the “community eldercare service” with short-term physical therapy was able to improve the physical performance, balance and walking ability of the elderly individuals living in the community. Methods: A total of 52 participants were recruited for this study; these individuals were divided into 27 individuals who formed the experimental group and 25 individuals who formed the control group. All subjects were participating regularly in “community eldercare service” activities, which involved two 3-hour sessions per week. The experimental group had physical therapy added to one of the two sessions every week and the physical therapy sessions lasted 3 months.
Outcome measures included physical performance, balance and walking ability. Results: In total, 49 subjects completed the study. No significant difference was found in terms of patient characteristics or outcome parameters between the experimental and control groups at baseline.
After 3 months, the experimental group showed significant improvements in the short physical performance battery (SPPB) test, the functional reach (FR) test, the one leg stance test, the time up and go (TUG) test and the 10-meter walk test compared to the control group. Conclusions:
A combination of “community eldercare service” participation with short-term physical therapy is able to improve the physical performance, balance and walking ability of elderly individuals living in the community. However, the improvements warrants further verification using a longer follow-up. Clinical Implications: We hope these findings provide in-depth information on the important role that physical therapists can play in programs providing “community eldercare service”.(FJPT 2013;38(3):201-209)
