
建築與規劃學報 Scopus

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篇名 文化產業的創新系統與產業網絡:陶瓷與音樂產業的比較
卷期 14:1
並列篇名 Innovation Mechanism and Production Network: Two Cases of Ceramic Industry and Music Industry
作者 古宜靈
頁次 013-032
關鍵字 文化產業創新系統文化符號學習型區域cultural industryinnovative systemcultural symbollearning regionScopus
出刊日期 201306




The cultural industry with creativity and cultural value-added has been emphasized and pursued to promote possibilities and advantages of cultural economy. It not only continues the traditional cultural industry but also raises influences and economic effects of modern cultural industries for an importance of creativity. However, for reasons of fast changes of market risk and consumer’s preferences, the cultural industry should keep competences by enhancing technology, creativity, and innovative intensity. Both innovative activity and external interactive nexus, which contribute an industrial nexus and innovative system, are main routes accessing to learning ability and innovation. This study, based on perspectives of innovative and collective learning process, tries to explore attributes of innovative and learning environment on developing the cultural industry by comparing two cases of Yingo’s ceramic industry and Taipei’s music industry. The results point out the importance of industrial knowledge exchange and learning environment, and also analyze economic networks of cultural industry. Furthermore, it indicated that the traditional cultural industry depended on local unique cultural identity can raise the irreplaceability of cultural goods and strengthen continuously competitiveness of the cultural industry.
