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篇名 高雄地區住宅特徵與住宅環境的重視程度對居住滿意度之影響
卷期 14:1
並列篇名 Influence of the Value of Housing Features and Circumstance on Residential Satisfaction in Kaohsiung Area
作者 張景盛陳素月藍宜亭黃俊英
頁次 033-046
關鍵字 住宅特徵住宅環境生活空間住宅結構鄰里環境可及性Housing featureshousing circumstanceliving spacehousing structureneighborhood environmentaccessibilityScopus
出刊日期 201306




As national income rises, housing requirements have been elevated from a basic shelter from rain and wind to an emphasis on both the internal conditions and external environment of a house. People have especially turned their attention from the convenience of living, amenity and quality of living to the less addressed residence safety since the 921 earthquake and numerous typhoon disasters. The majority of past studies investigated the influence of housing features on prices to measure customer satisfaction through the quality of service provided by relevant personnel, while in reality customer satisfaction in terms of residence lies in resident satisfaction with housing. Against this backdrop, this study aimed to explore the influence of the value of housing features and housing circumstance on residential satisfaction. 500 copies of the questionnaire were distributed, and 344 valid copies were retrieved, accounting for a valid response rate of 68.8%. The empirical results of this study revealed that the housing features including living space and housing structure and housing circumstance including neighborhood environment and accessibility had a significant positive influence on residential satisfaction of consumers. It is thus suggested that housing builders and planners should make recommendations based on major value of housing features and housing circumstance of the house when building and planning a house.
