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篇名 應用空間特徵價格模型評估高速鐵路對土地價格影響之時空特性-以臺灣高鐵為例
卷期 14:1
並列篇名 Applying Spatial Hedonic Price Model to Explore the effects of Taiwan High Speed Railway on Land Price
作者 鄒克萬鄭皓騰郭幸福楊宗名
頁次 047-066
關鍵字 高速鐵路地價空間誤差模式High-Speed RailwayLand PricesSpatial Error ModelScopus
出刊日期 201306




Capital investment in transportation, such as Taiwan High Speed Railway (THSR), brings many significant impacts not only population growth, industrial development and land price at a local level, but the economical structure and spatial development pattern at a regional level. Reviewing past domestic studies, many of them predicted the impacts of THSR. Some studies had discussed the impact of THSR on local development. However, these studies usually used single station or a specific year to verify and thereby the results could not have a systematical and whole discussion.
As a result, this paper used the land price indexes as analysis data to reveal the impact of THSR and applied spatial error model to explore the impacts of THSR on land price in Taiwan’s towns along with THSR. All the THSR stations might be analyzed in four selected years. Moreover, a comparative analysis between different stations was conducted in this paper.
The result showed the different influence in selected years, revealing the effects of THSR on land price. More importantly, the effects were affected by the existing development near the stations. The result findings could support governments for transportation investment and regional development.
