
護理暨健康照護研究 Scopus

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篇名 高齡老人入院當時導尿管留置狀況之初探
卷期 9:4
並列篇名 The Preliminary Study on the Initial Use of Indwelling Urinary Catheters Among Hospitalized Elderly Patients
作者 標詩婷胡芳文張家銘陳清惠
頁次 253-260
關鍵字 住院老人不恰當使用導尿管留置hospitalized elderlyinappropriate useindwelling urinary catheters
出刊日期 201312
DOI 10.6225/JNHR.09.4.253


結果:不恰當留置導尿管發生率為37.4%。恰當留置原因以「手術需求」最多(43.1%),其次為「需要精確評估尿液輸出量」(37.5%),而不當留置原因以「照護方便」最多(62.8%),其次為「急性尿滯留未單導處理」(18.6%) 及「其他」(18.6%)。統計分析結果顯示,恰當留置導尿管與不恰留置導尿管於人口學變項皆未呈現顯著差異。


Background: Approximately 73% of catheterized inpatients are elderly, of which up to 33%-49% are improperly used. Indwelling of urinary catheters (IUCs) are not only associated with prolong length of hospital stay, increase cost of treatment, but also associated with increased mortality rate. There are no studies explored the use of IUCs in Taiwan.
Purpose: The aim of this study was to explore the incidence rate of inappropriate use of IUCs and the reasons for use of IUCs.
Methods: A cross-sectional and correlation study design was used in the study. The subjects were selected with a purposive sampling method at a medical center in Southern Taiwan. A total of one hundred and fifteen hospitalized elderly patients who used indwelling urinary catheters after admission were recruited. Instruments included demographic sheet and the scale of indications for use of IUCs. Data were collected during 48 hours after admission and analyzed through descriptive statistic, chi-square, and t-test, and content analysis.
Results: The incidence rate of inappropriate use of IUCs was 37.4%. The most common indication for appropriate catheterization was surgical intervention (43.1%), the second was accurate assessment of urinary output (37.5%). Moreover, the most common reasons that inappropriate IUCs use was for convenience (62.8%), the second was used for manage acute urinary retention without assessment (18.6%) and others (18.6%). The finding also indicated that there is no statistically significant difference in demographic variables.
Conclusions / Implications for Practice: The results of this study clearly disclosed more than one-third elderly patients in Taiwan are inappropriate use of IUCs. In order to make it easy to care, patients often ignore the compilations of use of IUCs. Therefore, education about appropriate use of IUCs should be available both for nurses, patients and caregivers.
