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篇名 太極養生操課程介入對社區老人健康體能與認知功能之成效
卷期 9:4
並列篇名 Effects of Community-Based Tai Chi Exercise on Health-Related Physical Fitness and Cognitive Functions in the Elderly
作者 洪秀吉張嚴仁賴蓉星簡姿娟
頁次 271-281
關鍵字 太極拳老年人健康體能認知功能Tai Chielderlyhealth‐related physical fitnesscognitive function
出刊日期 201312
DOI 10.6225/JNHR.09.4.271


方法:本研究採類實驗研究設計,以台中兩個社區關懷站82名65歲以上的社區老人為受試者,依其意願分為實驗組(n = 41)與對照組(n = 41),實驗組介入每週三次、每次90分鐘、中等運動強度的太極養生操課程訓練,持續12週,而對照組保持原本的生活型態。以健康體能檢測與簡易智能評估量表(Mini-Mental Status
Examination, MMSE)做為研究工具。運用描述性統計、相依樣本f檢定及混合設計雙因子變異數分析等統計方法進行資料分析。
結果:研究結果發現:(一)在健康體能方面,實驗組在鍛鍊太極養生操12週後,在心肺耐カ、肌力肌耐カ與柔軟度等皆呈顯著差異(p < .05),實驗組的身體質量指數雖然無顯著下降,但後測結果仍顯著優於對照組(p < .05); (ニ)在認知功能方面,實驗組整體認知功能進步顯著(F = 18.571, p < .001),且優於對照組,實驗組在簡易智能評估量表五大層面中的定向カ、訊息登錄、語言理解、記憶力及計算能力等四方面呈小幅進步,在短期記憶的部分達顯著進歩(f = -2.256, p = .030)。


Background: Demand for long-term care in Taiwan has escalated with the sharp rise in the elderly population in recent decades. Slowing the aging process and enhancing the activities of daily living ability in this population are two important strategies to moderate the demand for long-term care.
Purpose: This study compares the effectiveness of tai chi exercise on improving health-related physical fitness and cognitive functions in the elderly.
Methods: This study used a quasi-experimental study design. A total of 82 community-dwelling elderly were assigned to either the tai chi exercise training group (n = 41) or control group (n = 41). The experimental group performed tai chi exercise training three times a week, 90 minutes each time, for 12 weeks. The control group did not perform tai chi exercise. A questionnaire incorporating a health-related physical fitness test and the Mini-Mental Status Examination (MMSE) was collected at baseline and immediately after the 12-week intervention.
Results: Data were analyzed using SPSS 20 statistical software. Statistical methods used included descriptive statistics, dependent t-test, and the mixed-design two-way ANOVA. Study results showed: (1) In terms of health-related physical fitness, the tai chi exercise training group earned significantly better post-intervention scores than their control group peers for cardiac endurance, strength and endurance, and flexibility (p < .05). There was no statistically significant change in body composition between pre- and post-intervention measurements. The tai chi training group performed better compared to the control group in terms of body composition (p < .05). (2) In terms of cognitive function, the tai chi exercise group performed significantly better than the control group (F = 18.571, p < .001). The MMSE results for orientation, registration, language, attention, and calculation improved slightly, but below statistical significance. Recall improved significantly in the tai chi exercise group (t = -2.256, p = .030).
Conclusions: Results of this study support that tai chi exercise training improves health-related physical fitness and cognitive function in elderly practitioners. Researchers suggest that tai chi exercise training programs be extended further in community settings.
