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篇名 東台灣地區婦女生產經驗及其相關因素探討
卷期 9:4
並列篇名 Factors Affecting the Childbirth Experience:A Study of Women in Eastern Taiwan
作者 盧玉嬴劉書玉高美玲吳淑芳梁淑媛
頁次 301-310
關鍵字 生產經驗生產支持生產控制childbirth experiencelabor supportlabor control
出刊日期 201312
DOI 10.6225/JNHR.09.4.301


結果:本研究發現,婚姻狀況、生產支持、生產控制與生產經驗呈顯著相關ひ< .05);其餘基本屬性及產科學變項 與生產經驗則無顯著差異ひ> .05),逐步迴歸分析發現婚姻狀況、生產控制及生產支持能為生產經驗預測 變項,共可解釋11%的變異量(F = 7.93, p < .01 )。
結論/臨床應用:應提昇產科照護人員生產支持相關知能與技巧,以及藉由產前教育準備課程、教導產痛因應技巧 等方式協助產婦提升其生產控制感,以有效促進產婦正向之生產經驗。


Background: A successful and satisfying childbirth experience not only gives women a sense of accomplishment but also improves their self-esteem and their adaptation to new maternal responsibilities.
Purpose: This study aims to understand the impact of new mothers' perceived support and control during delivery on their childbirth experience. Findings may facilitate the development of appropriate nursing interventions to improve the childbirth experience.
Methods: A cross-sectional survey was used to study 228 participants recruited from the postpartum ward of a teaching hospital in eastern Taiwan. A structured questionnaire that included a demographic survey, perceived labor support and control instrument, and childbirth experience instrument was used to collect data. Descriptive data were presented using percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Independent t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation, and stepwise regression were used for inferential statistics.
Results: Results revealed marital status, perceived support, and control during delivery to be significant predictors of childbirth experience satisfaction. These three factors accounted for 11% of total variance.
Conclusions / Implications for Practice: Results support that obstetrics nursing personnel should further enhance their knowledge and skills related to labor support and help increase patients' sense of control over their delivery in order to increase the positive feelings of these patients about the childbirth experience.
