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篇名 高鐵桃園站站區開發及聯外運輸系統之研究
卷期 10:1
並列篇名 Study of Taoyuan Station Area Development and Outreach Transportation System of Taiwan High Speed Rail
作者 何煖軒
頁次 001-032
關鍵字 站區開發大眾運輸導向發展聯外運輸系統Station area developmentPublic transportation-OrientedOutreach transportation system
出刊日期 201305




Taiwan High Speed Rail, whose route is 345 km in length, mainly serves the western corridor of Taiwan that affects almost half portion of it. It is not only an important transportation lifeline of Taiwan western corridor, but also been granted a great mission as the national territorial planner. Under intensive station area development planning, each station is in charge of triggering the development of nearby local area to be a new town. From the point of geographical feature of five major station areas, each station has its own characteristics and strengths. Although Taoyuan Station is located at a remote area, it possesses an unrivaled advantage that located nearby Taoyuan International Airport and having the airport link MRT connects to the Taipei metropolis that contributes to the development of being an international commercial city. Meanwhile, Taiwan high speed railway system is integrated with the conventional railway system, as well as the MRT and bus systems at each metropolitan area to be a high speed mass transportation network, to fulfill the target of “Public transportation the first, Private transportation the second”,and to balance the development of countryside and urban areas. For the requirements of passenger transfer of high speed rail, the outreach transportation systems, including freeway and railway systems, were improved by the government at each station area.
