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篇名 服務創新對住戶關係品質與幸福感關聯性之研究
卷期 10:1
並列篇名 A Study of Service Innovation for Relationship Quality and Well-beingof Householder
作者 薛榮棠薛昭義劉書伶
頁次 033-050
關鍵字 服務創新關係品質幸福感物業管理Service InnovationRelationship QualityWell-BeingProperty-Management
出刊日期 201305




As the times change, social, economic and the level of knowledge upgrading, People turn more and more attention to enhance the level of living.The living conditions of households living quality requirements increasing, traditional property management services have failed to meet the household needs of life. Therefore,how to service innovation so that tenants with property management companies to establish a good relationship quality, and thus enhance the purpose of households living environment for the happiness of the study. This study used questionnaires, property management companies to provide services household survey as the research object. The results find thatpositively affect the relationship have between service innovation, relationship quality, and well-being.And the relationship quality has partial mediation between service innovation and well-being.In summary,property management company should timely adjusts to the company's strategy by innovative services to strengthen and enhance the quality relationship with households, and then enabling households to produce well-being.
