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篇名 建構服務補救後顧客滿意度與再使用意願之整合模式-以網路下單為例
卷期 10:1
並列篇名 An Integrated Model of Service Recovery Influence on Customer Satisfaction and Reuse Intentions in E-Trading
作者 陳宜棻蔡家文林漢茹
頁次 071-100
關鍵字 網路下單服務失誤顧客抱怨行為服務補救服務失誤歸因E-Tradingservice failurecustomer complain behaviorservice recoveryAttribution of service failure
出刊日期 201305


隨著網際網路的蓬勃發展,各種新興的電子交易平台也隨之產生,電子交易(e-trading)如同傳統交易(face-to-face)—樣,都希望以滿足顧客最大需求為主要目標。但如何有效衡量網路交易顧客的滿意度,早期的學者多以SERVQUAL服務品質衡量模式(Parasuraman, Zeithaml & Berry, 1988)來衡量顧客的滿意程度,近來也有學者開始研究服務失誤、服務補救與補救後滿意度(第二次滿意度)三者間之關係,可是多數的研究卻侷限於傳統的服務業,如餐廳、旅館、航空業與零售業等範疇,至於有關電子交易模式服務失誤與服務補救的研究,亦著重在線上零售交易,對於其他使用電子交易的產業卻少有涉獵。
本研究以具有網路下單服務失誤經歷的顧客為研究對象,並以服務失誤與服務補救的角度來探討網路下單發生的服務失誤及對於顧客的服務補救措施,是否對於顧客的補救後的滿意度與後續行為意圖造成影響;而服務失誤歸因對於顧客的滿意度與行為意願是否會有影響。本研究主要以結構方程模式(SEM)透過LISREL8.54統計軟體分析來驗證各相關變數間之因果關係,總計回收有效問卷592份,研究結果發現: (一)服務補救對於發生服務失誤經歷的顧客的滿意度有正向影響。


More and more newly e-trading platform comes up with the development and flourish of internet. E-trading is hope to meet customer largest demand same as traditional. But the provider is how to do effectively assess e-trading user’s satisfaction? Recently, some study begin to discussion the relationship between service failure service recovery, and the satisfaction with service recovery (second satisfaction), However, the majority researches was focus on traditional service industries, for example, restaurants, hotels, aviation and retailing. In the case of e-trading service failure service recovery research, the same focus on on-line retailing and lack of researches that use of the electronic transaction on remaining industry.
Securities are the most widely and earliest e-trading model in the financial services industry. When e-trading platform turn into a must have operator tool in the Securities Industry with the progress in science and technology, therefore, user’s satisfaction become more important. The e-trading provider’s service recovery policies and programs are important tools to firms in their efforts to maintain user’s satisfied and loyal. There was majority researches focus on e-trading user’s satisfied in the past, but there is short of user’s behavior intention that has service failure experience.
The study based on service failure/ recovery to discussion service recovery after e-trading service failure, which is impact of user’s satisfaction with service recovery and behavioral intention. And the study defined the customer who has e-trading service failure experience as the object of study.
Moreover, we will also to discussion the attribution of service failure how to impact user’s satisfaction with service recovery and behavioral intention. The main research method is structural equation modeling (SEM) and using the LISREL8.54 as statistical tools for analyzing the causal relationship between variables and 592 valid questionnaires. The results of our analysis are summarized in the following points:
1. The consumer perceptions of E-Trading service failure for the customer complain behavior and E-Trading service recovery have positive effects.
2. The customers complain behavior for the E-trading service recovery has positive effects.
3. The consumer perceptions of E-Trading service recovery for the customer satisfaction with service recovery have positive effects.
4. There have positive effects between E-Trading service recovery influence on customer satisfaction and the reuse intentions.
