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篇名 美學領導的內涵與應用
卷期 237
並列篇名 The Definiton and Application of Aesthetic Leadership
作者 黃德祥
頁次 031-041
關鍵字 美學美學領導美學領導量表組織aestheticsleadership aestheticsaesthetics leadership scaleorganization
出刊日期 201401
DOI 10.3966/168063602014010237003




This paper mainly discusses the significance of aesthetic leadership, leadership aesthetic connotation, important strategies and skills, and leadership assessment as well as its applications. Aesthetics is mainly led to the concept of aesthetics, consciousness, theory, principles, model and spirit, using among the leaders in aesthetic value as a priority, so that the leaders get a sense of beauty, beauty of virtue, beauty mood and aesthetic values, and successfully achieve the organizational objects. Aesthetics contains total of four qualities: (a) Emotional awareness & empathy; (b) Sensory and somatic attentiveness; (c) Interest in organizational beauty; and (d) Promotion of moral purpose. This article points out, aesthetic leadership is a novel educational leadership issues yet not to be fully understood and applied. However, Aesthetics Leadership Scale (ALS) has been developed with a total of seven factors: (a) Aesthetic communication; (b) Aesthetic approach; (c) Aesthetics support; (d) Aesthetic applications; (e) Aesthetic Application ; (f) Aesthetic honesty; and (g) Aesthetic Appearance. Aesthetic Leadership Scale is deserved to be promoted and verification in Taiwan.
