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篇名 建構校園美學之心境界
卷期 237
並列篇名 The Constructuion of the Campus Aesthetic Realm of th Heart
作者 魏麗敏陳明珠
頁次 042-052
關鍵字 心靈共鳴美學建構校園美學spiritual resonanceaesthetic constructioncampus aesthetics
出刊日期 201401
DOI 10.3966/168063602014010237004




Aesthetics is the essence of beauty, aesthetic types include static, dynamic, and there is visual aesthetics, auditory aesthetics, more comprehensive aesthetic complications rendering. For a total of five campus aesthetics, including: material beauty, shape beauty, artistic beauty, heritage beauty, education, beauty. This application was built on the theory of aesthetics and content of the campus and campus aesthetic mode requires that the institutions have perfect information, cognitive, emotional and personality aspects of cooperation. Some suggestions in this paper were proposed to enhance the campus aesthetic conservation.
