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篇名 校園建築美學
卷期 237
並列篇名 Campus Aesthetic
作者 湯志民廖文靜
頁次 053-070
關鍵字 美學校園校園建築美學aestheticscampuscampus aesthetics
出刊日期 201401
DOI 10.3966/168063602014010237005


校園是一項藝術的作品,每一個校園都應有風格與特色。近30年來,臺灣各縣市政府逐步更新改建學校,在校園建築造形和色彩上有相當大的進步和突破,校園建築美學政策之推展甚為快速。惟目前校園建築美學之論述仍不足,特為文就校園建築與美學、論校園建築之美、校園建築美之推展等三方面分別探討,以供有志之士參考。 校園建築美學係指學校教育設施和景觀的造形與色彩,在功能、形象和蘊意上,具有自然、舒適、愉悅的美感與風格。因此,校園建築之美呈現在建築之美、庭園之美與校園之美。校園建築美之推展,具體作法包括強化建築設計、呈現獨特風格、保存史蹟建築、設置公共藝術、裝置互動藝術、設置藝文中心、美化校園情境、強化庭園景觀、增添校園色彩、加強優質裝修、美化校門圍牆等。期盼大家一起努力,共創校園建築美學,讓校園之美散落每個孩子的學習天地之間。


The campus as a work of art should have style and characteristics. The past 30 years, the local governments in Taiwan gradually update and reconstruct schools and there is considerable progress and breakthroughs on shape and color of school buildings. Taiwan’s campus aesthetics policies promote very fast. However, the campus aesthetics discourses are inadequate. Three aspects are discussed in this paper, which are the school buildings and aesthetics, beauty of the campus, and promoting campus aesthetics, for the reference of the people dedicated on this area. Campus aesthetics refers to the shapes and colors of the schooling facilities and landscapes display natural, comfortable, pleasing aesthetics and style in the function, image and meaning. Therefore, the campus aesthetics shows in the beauty of architectures, the beauty of courtyard and the beauty of campus. The specific practices to promote campus aesthetics include: to strengthen architectural design, to present a unique style, to preserve historic building, to set up public art, to build up interactive art device, to set the arts center, to adorn campus setting, to strengthen courtyard landscape, to add color on campus, to strengthen quality embellishment, to beautify gate and fence and so on. We look forward to working together to create beautiful campuses for children to study and live in happily.
